Can we talk about the useless Night elf racial, Shadowmeld?

Imagine faction changing for m+ and not for raiding.

The true mark of a noob is one who doesn’t realize how good Shadowmeld is.


Shadowmeld is amazing. It’s a second fade for priests. It’s an aggro dump for anyone who accidentally pulls threat from a tank. It’s a marvelous racial.


I love Shadowmeld. I use it all the time. I miss it when I play my alts because it really comes in handy.

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NE were the most annoying race in vanilla BGs
I swear they just rolled them because it stopped damage long enough for you to get a heal in if you were in a group

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We’re still waiting for all of those hordies to go alliance because of Shadowmeld in M+.

…any day now and we’ll be able to find recruits for Uldir.

…any day now.


Shadowmeld dramtically reduces my time in combat. I love it.


Yes, totally useless shadowmeld.

“Lighthouse is empty, going to cap…”




Not blaming racials for why you haven’t completed normal uldir is a start.

Not my raiding toon. But nice try (still not done Normal. I stopped playing. No idea if they downed Ghuun without me)

So what’s you’re argument? People on both factions can pug the first few bosses of Uldir on mythic at this point.

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So how’s the recruitment pool treating you? Well?

Complaining about recruitment for normal to heroic is laughable, just stop.

As others have stated - shadowmeld can be one of the best racials out there, but only under certain circumstances. However if they do happen it can really really outshine any other racial out there.

I was a night elf a couple of times - I solo killed a bounty who was afk in the horde city, ended up with 3 horde chasing me, jumped down the stairs just out of line of sight of them , shadowmelded and they didn’t find me - ran right by me, i was sweating and they just kept going. I then proceeded to just laugh for 5 minutes.

In M+ if some mechanics target you, you can shadowmeld and either negate it or make it target someone else - if it has a long cast time it can be really helpful.

Also i’ve used to to give some more time on raid bosses if we need extra time and the tanks are dead - leap away, taunt wait till boss is close, shadowmeld let boss run to next person on aggro and drop shadowmeld - i gain aggro again and it runs back to me. Which can be an extra 1-10 seconds sometimes. And when you are close to a kill, those seconds are precious


um. hate to break it to you, but shadowmeld is pretty awesome.

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You brought up mythic.

And the recruitment pool issues trickle down. So we do feel them even down here in super-casual raiding.

The whole point of this thread is that Shadowmeld is inferior to other racials (in pvp at least), relatively speaking. Being able to interrupt is a weak argument, when there are other racials that can heal you significantly during combat or dispel harmful spells in an aoe range. I personally don’t give a crap about M+, I enjoy pvp, and it’s hardly useful in pvp.

What’s up with the spike in joke threads lately?


hes a dk trust me it is hard to run away

If you’re talking about mythic progression serious raiding then sure. If we are talking about casual normal to heroic guilds then it doesn’t matter, especially when people are pugging even further than heroic nowadays. I’d also venture to say that if you’re main is on uther that is also part of the problem.