Can we stop with all the Delves posts?

ty really that was informative. good post can we remove it now?

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Will they fix it though? I think it’s perfectly justified for them to hear how upset we are that they put so very little effort into tuning these. After 20 years of designing and balancing the game, there’s 0 excuse for it going live like this

Blizzard pulled a bait and switch with delves and seem intent on making them worse. Hopefully, many posts turn that around.

theyre hotfixin here soon they said

I love your response, not sure what level of effort they put in, at first, all was calm, then bliz adjusts and all hell breaks loose. I’ve now done 3, I like them and I hope what ever is going on now is resolved by the time I get there

So, to answer the OP’s question, apparently we cant?

If even a shred of moderation happened around here, these threads would all be combined by now. CM’s don’t seem to have time to futz about babysitting the forums anymore.

No, don’t do that.

Derrick said it’s time to stop with Delve posts. You’re doing the opposite of what Derrick said.

The only time we ever get responses is an overwhelmingly negative reaction and flood of feedback, so yes, post away.

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