Can we stop with all the Delves posts?

We get it, its messed up. They will fix it.
Do we really need constant delve posts because YOU want to be heard?


I donā€™t have a problem with delves right now, but ā€˜flooding forums with complaintsā€™ is one of the most effectiveĀ¹ non-metric-based ways of getting Blizzard to change their mind, so itā€™s going to be a common resort.

Ā¹ nb: this is a very low bar


The only way to get Blizzard to do something is to blow them up. They donā€™t care otherwise.


Just for that, Iā€™ma create another delve thread. :melting_face:


This is our voice.

I will NOT be silenced!


Thereā€™s not much else to do until m+ next week for some peopleā€¦ not sure what are you expecting.

And it didnt help that they increased the ilvl for heroic so people is just doing delves for gear as wellā€¦

Heh, irony.

But, yeah, until they fix it.


Why would we stop when they literally donā€™t even have a plan to make things balanced? As a priest I donā€™t even have an interrupt so delves will probably never be solo content for me unless I post about it on the forums or on reddit.

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Thereā€™s no promise they WILL fix it. They havenā€™t even commented on it since the hotfix went live yesterday.

The community needs to over communicate with Blizzard until a response is given on how badly tuned they are now.

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Would be great if we got some communication. Then maybe the posts will slow down.

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Generally if the forums are flooded by one topic, and 90% of them actually agree with eachother, that is an objective screw up for Blizzard, and needs to be priority number one.

You know you REALLY messed up when the majority if the forum agrees lmao.

That and nobody communicates anymore.


Thatā€™s the truth right there sir.

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Delve Posts

  • Fixed a bug causing devs to ignore feedback
  • Increased number of delve forum posts by 830%

Yay another delve post

Based on how quickly drowning the forums got Evokerā€™s tail swipe changed to a class ability and not a racial, I think spamming the boards is an appropriate response.


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There is no evidence to suggest this is true.

Thatā€™s a lot of confidence youā€™ve got there brother

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nice bait thread

Yeah, the concept of somebody coming out and saying ā€œOops, we messed up, we will have another fix for you in x amount of time.ā€ Is absolutely foreign to this company.

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Nah. Blizz can make a thread with some commentary acknowledging the problem and then we can focus on that thread.

Until then, people need to keep it front and center so they work on it.

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