Can we stop hating on Shadowlands? This is the best WoW expansion to date

I quit playing WoW for like 10 years and came back last August at the tail end of BFA 8.3.

The first thing I noticed in BFA was just the sheer amount of content that was in the game. The rep grinds for returning players was especially bad if you were working on getting your flying mounts, plus all the other stuff you needed to unlock. You had to farm corruptions, visions, etc. just to catch up to people.

Shadowlands is way more casual friendly in comparison. They really toned down the amount of overhead requirements of what you were required to do. There’s issues with the loot system that need improvements. Overall Shadowlands is a significant improvement over BFA.

It’s not the best expansion though… that would go to TBC and WOTLK, but those two are a product of their time deals just like Vanilla is.

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Not sure how I am missing your point though? You are basically saying that even if ALL classes were ALMOST balanced (reality) then you would still re-roll to the spec/class that does that 1% more damage than all the others, instead of now where it is probably a 10% difference. I just don’t think you can comprehend or care to think of the other side of the point you are trying to make.

And their skill level does matter if they are the ones engineering and balancing these classes/specializations. You are experiencing tunnel vision man, you only want to see your side and only want to accept your side being the right answer. If engineers/developers didn’t ever play/experience with the classes/specializations during creation or balancing efforts, well, they would be WAY more dramatic in imbalance than they are now :slight_smile:. Playing with numbers is equally as important as skill level, there is no argument with that statement.

You, my friend, need to go to Classic WoW and give up retail. There you will find the “balance” to the best degree.

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Shadowlands is funny, I enjoyed it the first couple of weeks, but it just… Boring. I don’t think it’s terrible outside of a few things, but it just doesn’t grab my attention like past expacs have.

ok… well the same applies here with the leveling via threads, the weapons were cool but they also were the ONLY weapons of Legion too… class halls and covenants are a bit familiar to one another… Tier Sets arent back YET, but they said that they will be in SL… WQs were new and essentially no different now just familiar af and you cant LFG them unless they are set for grouping… command tables are command tables… you see where i’m going with this yet? it’s actually PRETTY much the same thing, just with a different coat of paint.

ALSO i might add… i remember people hating the timegating of Suramar and Argus as a whole, much like players hate the Maw… so you say that Legion was way better, is that because we werent familiar with the playstyle or are you simply having Rose-Colored Goggles equipped? idk, i think you’re on a nostalgia kick.

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Trash xpac indeed


You’re either trolling, or a clown. Which is it?

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lol balance, what a joke! that’s why entire classes were pugged outside of endgame content, because it was “balanced”.

There’s a lot of people who are enjoying SL, stop just assuming everyone is bad because they disagree with you.


There’s a lot of people who hate SL, so what?

Anyway, enjoy your troll thread, level ten forum alt.

You guys are slow. This is satire.

This just confirms this is a Tupac thread


Maybe one that doesn’t have Pac in its name

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This is from a person well known to make flame threads like this. If they would of used their normal forum toon this thread would of been flagged by the 5th post at the latest.

OP doesnt even play wow.

It’s an alt of a well known forum troll

sales =/= quality.

Extremely pathetic.

I do like Shadowlands, I’m enjoying small stuff like doing Hall of Atonement in open world; working on Cryptkeeper title and the Ember Court. I also love collecting many things such as mounts, transmogs, pets, and toys.

I’m not going to lie, this expansion does have issues. The storyline itself is really screwed up, you don’t get to experience the storyline until you choose an covenant at 60. But, honestly, the biggest issue is anima, I’m pretty sure we collected a huge portion of azerite or artifact knowledge than anima daily. It’s ridiculous, but it doesn’t make this worst of all expansions.

WoD is still the worst of all expansions. Completely abandoned; unfinished “zones”, and no endgame content. It’s hilarious seeing people still think otherwise.

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leveling via threads aint that slow, and it aids with renown catchup, so why not do it.

yeah the weapons had more customizations, but only if you jumped through the appropriate hoops.

sure, 4 is 1/3 of 12, i know my math… but then they had to do something different because i dont think players wanted another Class Hall for 12 different characters to play on, was definitely cool but a bit much.

fair point, i mean SL Professions were supposed to be better but i’d say that they only are marginally better after they nerfed the buffs to them…

idk about that, i think some of the WQs are actually fairly quick, just not all of them.

you can get some decent BoPs from Cov tables, but yeah i get what you’re saying, mission tables are mission tables to me, it’s casual af so i am in the middle.

well that’s fine that you dont like SL, but using Legion as a comparison was tbf a poor choice to get your point across.

as for the wearing goggles thing i simply said that because i felt that you were a little too nostalgic in putting Legion above SL when Legion gave everyone reason to gripe AFTER launch version, akin to what SL is catching flak for NOW.

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For me its the stupid systems they put in that are tied to your character’s power.

Old school wow was more about doing difficult content to get the gear to get to the next tier challenge. Now if I only played what I enjoyed id be gimping myself 20-30% of my throughput.

The mandatory grinds are a non-starter for me.