Can we stop displaying what personal loot we get to the group?

Actually someone who gets satisfaction on DEing a piece in front of someone who could have used the piece does indeed sound like a toxic player. This is coming from someone who never askes for pieces and goes out of their way to see if anyone can use a piece that dropped that I don’t need (just to stop you in advance).


Man these types of threads blow out of proportion quick lol.

But agreed, It was your time dedicated to the task at hand, if you were rewarded and they weren’t you are entitled to do with it what you see.
Wish to help someone ? cool, wish to DE for gold / profession gain also cool.

But I also agree it can be annoying as all hell to get something and then have trade windows flying open, getting a bunch of whispers and people throwing fits when you won’t give them what you got, normally I ask if anyone needs if more than 1 need they roll and we call it a day, but it is really a put off to help when people are messaging unnecessary filth towards you because you didn’t bow to them.

With that said, I haven’t looted a single thing from a boss this expan (Unless quest item) I will do as one of the people in here suggested (I have auto loot turned off) open it, grab my quest item, and let the rest get mailed to me, I’m not in so much of a rush that I need to grab it right then and there. if it bugs, i know it was there and its easy to open a ticket in regards to it.

Saying it’s unnecessarily overboard to do the DE move is one thing. Flipping out the way that guy did on people was next level crazy. lol


Haha, evil but funny. :laughing:

Thanks for the cackle! I needed that.

I have to agree with OP, stop showing the loot to everyone, or give us a way to block it. Stop the toxic behavior.


This whole thing is crazy…

when did it become toxic to ask if an item is available for trade?


some people don’t ask, they demand. If you say no the toxic stuff starts, been told they hope I die, I should kill myself and that mild to some.

If they would just only ask and take my answer I don’t mind. But people like that are bad to put up with. I report ignore, but ignore list only holds so much and I can’t ignore everyone in game or I would, and call it a good day.


I pay for a lot of stuff, gent. Not really your business, now is it…
Youre the epitome of ‘toxic’…Id stop using that word if I were you

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phhhh. a couple of them in this very thread are confirming that the behavior is real. lol. Calling others ‘toxic’ while theyre calling them names


so you’re saying that, the loot system in place keeps you from being a greedy dick?

What do you lose by seeing some pink text on the screen?

I don’t understand why people act like whispers are so annoying. If you don’t wanna reply, do a DND: not giving loot to anyone.

its a great way to help people gear up. You lose literally nothing.

This is toxic, and whats even worse is the people calling you out for it are getting flamed and reported.

Sad state of affairs.


eh…that kinda depends on how ‘toxic’ the enquiring player is.
Ive seen them pop a cork in the chat box over being told “no”.
If they did that to me, Id have no problem DEing it right there.


What you would say the ratio of these bad interactions is relative to normal interactions?

a normal interaction being something like “can i have that?” “no” “ok”.

I’m curious because I run a metric ton of content and have literally never experienced that kind of toxicity when turning someone down for an item.

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Not sure why people feel the need to be this incredibly toxic. Really hoping this is a troll post. Loot is so rare this xpac, and people are out there are maliciously d/e’ing what would be upgrades for someone else out of spite? I really hope not. I have faith most people are decent human beings and even if this OP really does this, and gets enjoyment from it no less, most don’t.

Loot is tradeable for a reason, and receiving a whisper doesn’t cause anyone harm.


just that perpetual victim card thing. I cause the problem, then when others react, I break out the Victim Card and pretend I was verbally assaulted.

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I don’t know, but I will not put up with that. I completely stopped doing group content unless I know everyone in the group. This was not the reason why, but it was a big factor in that decision. Don’t have time to raid this expac, and would love to do some lfr, but I’ll wait till I can solo it to see that content. Way to many bad experiences with group content, just not worth it any more.

On a lot of my alts I will happily let people roll for loot I don’t need, however on this toon currently I don’t (I’m sure it will change as we get farther into the expansion). Eternal Crystals are back to being a pain to get so I’m keeping the purples I get - sorry not sorry if you are mad about it :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not going to de it in front of you but I am going to tell you no, I’ve had people get pretty hateful about it and others are just like “okay” - either way for me that’s the end of the conversation.


It’s not. It’s when people keep asking, opening trade windows, demanding, insulting and harassing that it becomes toxic.

It’s personal loot. Personal. Might want to understand how that works.

Transmog someone is after.

Whispers aren’t annoying. Harassment is.

We lose transmog. Did it ever occur to you that someone went into that content specifically for that piece of transmog?

Yes. Your entitlement is.

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again i ask…

What you would say the ratio of these bad interactions is relative to normal interactions?

a normal interaction being something like “can i have that?” “no” “ok”.

I’m curious because I run a metric ton of content and have literally never experienced that kind of toxicity when turning someone down for an item.

did it ever occur to you to just say “no i need it ty though”

If you need it you need it. But DEing it in front of someone who can use it as an upgrade, just out of spite is douchey.

No one is saying harassment is ok either. But, if you get a highly desired item in a pug raid, yeah multiple people will want it.

No one is asking for entitlement on someone elses personal loot. Complete misrepresentation of the arguments being made here.

People are just calling out toxic, virulent behaviour for what it is.

Again, if you need it for whatever reason, u can just say “yeah i need it sorry”.

No excuse to not need an item, and purposefully disenchant the item in front of someone who needs it, just to be a spiteful dick.


Please provide video evidence this is a thing that happens, otherwise you are blowing stuff way out of proportion. I’ve personally been playing since late '04 and never once seen this happen.