Can we stop displaying what personal loot we get to the group?

I don’t know, but I will not put up with that. I completely stopped doing group content unless I know everyone in the group. This was not the reason why, but it was a big factor in that decision. Don’t have time to raid this expac, and would love to do some lfr, but I’ll wait till I can solo it to see that content. Way to many bad experiences with group content, just not worth it any more.

On a lot of my alts I will happily let people roll for loot I don’t need, however on this toon currently I don’t (I’m sure it will change as we get farther into the expansion). Eternal Crystals are back to being a pain to get so I’m keeping the purples I get - sorry not sorry if you are mad about it :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not going to de it in front of you but I am going to tell you no, I’ve had people get pretty hateful about it and others are just like “okay” - either way for me that’s the end of the conversation.


It’s not. It’s when people keep asking, opening trade windows, demanding, insulting and harassing that it becomes toxic.

It’s personal loot. Personal. Might want to understand how that works.

Transmog someone is after.

Whispers aren’t annoying. Harassment is.

We lose transmog. Did it ever occur to you that someone went into that content specifically for that piece of transmog?

Yes. Your entitlement is.

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again i ask…

What you would say the ratio of these bad interactions is relative to normal interactions?

a normal interaction being something like “can i have that?” “no” “ok”.

I’m curious because I run a metric ton of content and have literally never experienced that kind of toxicity when turning someone down for an item.

did it ever occur to you to just say “no i need it ty though”

If you need it you need it. But DEing it in front of someone who can use it as an upgrade, just out of spite is douchey.

No one is saying harassment is ok either. But, if you get a highly desired item in a pug raid, yeah multiple people will want it.

No one is asking for entitlement on someone elses personal loot. Complete misrepresentation of the arguments being made here.

People are just calling out toxic, virulent behaviour for what it is.

Again, if you need it for whatever reason, u can just say “yeah i need it sorry”.

No excuse to not need an item, and purposefully disenchant the item in front of someone who needs it, just to be a spiteful dick.


Please provide video evidence this is a thing that happens, otherwise you are blowing stuff way out of proportion. I’ve personally been playing since late '04 and never once seen this happen.

You should be able to opt-out of sharing some information. For example, loot drops and the WoW Armory. I also think that soulbound loot should not be tradable, it goes against the whole concept of personal loot.

Of course Blizzard completely botched the implementation of personal loot in the first place…

  1. noone here owes you video.
  2. doesnt MATTER what YOU claim to have experienced or not. These threads have been going on this topic for the 3+ years Ive been playing this game.

Sadly this reflects the current player base and times. The game felt more fun and alive the way it used to when the vast majority of players believed in “need before greed” including in random pickup groups.

But by all means, yes, hide the loot so the new style player can enjoy their 45g vendor value from the drop they didn’t need, all while complaining on the forums that there aren’t enough drops.

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Sounds like LFR problems

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Imagine making a forum thread complaining because someone asked if you needed a piece of gear or not.


the problem is the entitled sorts dont take no for an answer.
I posted this in the other thread yesterday.
Had some joker at the start of a run say “NEED ALL” a long while back.
Need all? Need all what???

Turned out he thought we should give him anything we had drop.
Need all? How? youre wearing ONE armor type. You CANT NEED the others, lol.

No…he didnt get nasty about it, but its just the entitlment it takes to tell a group of players who KNOW BETTER that you somehow need ALL FOUR armor types on ONE character class, lmao.

Ive never met Barrack Obama…therefore he doesnt exist :laughing:
sorry but this joke always slays me.
If the stuff I HAVENT seen didnt exist…99.999999% of reality would cease to be :laughing:

When you contradict yourself in the same post…


To try to turn this thread positive, I see an opportunity for Blizzard to add fun and enjoyment here while maybe toning down the bad feelings.

On receiving personal loot, perhaps the UI could offer buttons for “I’m keeping this, don’t ask” and also “I’d like to this offer this up to high roller (and/or someone who hasn’t gotten loot yet”). In addition to making it fast and convenient, perhaps the original winner choosing to give could get points towards an achievement “Helping Others Out” that eventually gave a nice mount.


:laughing: :+1:

Whenever I need loot and someone else has the upgrade. I always ask.

If they don’t want to give it to me, that’s okay.

Disenchanting it in front of me is just extra and adds a layer of disappointment. I wasn’t disappointed before but if you do this, I would be.


I agree. This has caused nothing but drama. Enchanters need mats too!


And you guys are upset that the wow “community” is dead??

Well, this is the sort of thing that helped kill it.

What’s the problem with people trying to gear up? If you pug, many times the group leader tries getting all similar gear wearers in the group just to share loot.

The WoW community is “dead” because of aholes like you. Grats.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: doesnt that comment make you…?

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