Can we stop ALL discrimination?

oh interesting the thread is still up I wonder what people are discussing now in regards to an in game reminder to act more friendly

HOHO, BOY we went zero to a hundred right off the bat.


Imagine the willful ignorance one must have to drink that much koolaid.

Just proof the mods are inconsistent.

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For speaking freely, it shouldn’t be regulated. Unless it’s deaththeats or doxxing. Being shutdown because someone might say something impolite is subjective, and frankly absurd. Words are words, sticks and stones, look at the context of what someone says.


Private company, gets to make their own rules.

Maybe, but it depends on the context. Private company Blizzard makes the rules and if they think it doesn’t belong on their forums, they’ll remove it.

You don’t hear that phrase “sticks and stones” because People recognized it for the stupid phrase that it always was.

We became more aware of problems w/ mental health and bullying, started having conversations about it, and realized that words do have long lasting impact in some circumstances. Not all hurt is physical.

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Yes they’re a private company and can do that. Do I agree with it? No. There shouldn’t be any ToS in my opinion. If you’re so hurt by mere words you’re too unstable to be typing online anyways and that’s their fault. Shutting down someone because they have an opinion is not the way speaking freely works. And your opinion sucks which my opinion, we all have opinions grow a pair and suck it up butter cup. I have to all the time so I don’t get banned or suspended.

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So you believe that if someone goes on a racist tirade against another person, and that person is hurt by those words…it’s their fault for being hurt, not the fault of the aggressor?

I believe if they feel They get offended easily by words they shouldn’t be typing on a forum. And should know when to get off or not, or not go typing at all. They’re words they do not hurt you, sure can it effect someone emotionally maybe. But ignore it, and don’t look at it. The problem with people these days is self control. Move on it’s just words in a screen from someone you don’t know, most likely.

That’s fine, and there are plenty of other websites/forums without one. ToS is here for a reason, to keep it somewhat sane and make it easier for developers to find feedback threads.

With that logic, you’re free to say whatever you want in public and if someone can’t accept what you’re saying, regardless if it’s hurtful or not, they shouldn’t be within hearing range. It’s their fault for hearing what I’m saying. They should be more stable before they go into public and hear my derogatory language.

No one is shutting you down for your opinion.

You’re entitled to your opinion. You’re not entitled to be a jerk.

That’s why there’s a ToS. To prevent you from saying hurtful things to people.

Yes, it is. Rather ban people than hyper encourage false civility.

Now, what [should] be bannable?

Think of the children and irresponsible parents, I suggest all topics need to be fit for the age of someone of five years old. Club penguin is gone now, come club warcraft.


Or we can be adults and ignore others if they say something that offends you. The ignore feature does exist.

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I’m not a jerk really I’m a decent person. But if I say a cuss word or say something political I’ll be banned or suspended. And that’s what freedom of speech is for. For political speech or speech you disagree with. It’s a shame private companies don’t share the same ideology of the first amendment. But it’s a private company and their in the right to do so. If this was Twitter or something that would be different since they’re letting people publish publically.

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Christians have been murdered and persecuted for thousands of years.

You are blaming people today, or something that happened hundreds of years ago, yet refused to accept any responsibility for what you do today.

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever. For every one Christian that says that there many, many more that would disagree with them.

You generalize and use excuses like the Crusades to explain away your hate and discrimination.

Why would including another group in the Social Contract disturb you so much.

I’m not the person you hate.


It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever.

Now, if only rules weren’t centered around how people think.

Public schools a safe environment? hahaha good one!

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It hasn’t always been this way.

This forum has been invaded by political ideologies only within the last 2 years. Before that, people just talked about the game.

The same rules should apply to everyone, and not just your little group.

Liking people of the same sex doesn’t make you special any more than my preferences don’t make me special.

You got what you asked for, now tone it down a couple notches already. You’re wearing out your welcome and a lot of people are second guessing your methods, including people on the left.

Stop acting morally superior and stop judging others by the actions of a few.


On the forums yes, but in-game no. I see it all the time in-game and it’s generally accepted as long as people aren’t being racist or saying things that are questionable at best.

I would like this as well as I think the forums shouldn’t be as scrutinized as they are, especially because in-game has much less moderation than the forums. But I also don’t want to see the forums devolve into a new trade chat.

Most people do ignore it, but that does not mean it should stay up for others to see. You can ignore a thread while also reporting it.

The aim of a school is to be a safe environment for children to learn. It doesn’t always hit that mark, but that’s literally what it’s for.

Would you prefer them learn it outside of school from one of their friends who doesn’t have a clue and are only spreading false information?

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But I wasn’t talking about the game. When some acts are allegedly vile, people tend to write laws to outlaw them sometimes attempting to circumvent the rulings of the mighty definitely non-biased Supreme Court.

What people think of others matters because they use those thoughts to decide how to affect reality.

If people’s thought’s don’t have a tangible affect on reality, more power to them.

Tell, that to the people that drop the F-Bomb ingame and come crying to the CS forums because they was silenced or suspended.

I can dig up more if you need…