Can we still get the mount from DK quest

Like the title says can I still get that free mount from doing the Classic WOTLK DK quests?

You have until November 28th.


So I just completed where kings walk. How long does it take to receive the proto dragon?

Immediately. You should login to your retail toon and have a present in your collections to unwrap and gain or maybe it came in the mail. Either way it was immediate.

I just did it this weekend. Took me about an hour to do because I had a small break, and I got the dragon right away. it was a gift waiting in my collection.

Yup, it was there. Thanks for the help

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Ran through the starting area, and… nothing.
Am I missing something?
I ran a belf DK in WoTLK classic, did the whole thing, talked to Thrall in the old maze of Orgrimmar to finish the questline and have gotten diddly squat for it.
I’m led to believe the transfer of the mount between games is instant, following the completion of the DK starting area, but at this point I’ve gotten nothing to show for my efforts.
What am I missing?

i didn’t get the mount either after doing the same (on a troll). :frowning:

Others have been reporting this. Probably a bug I guess.

Ok, it turned up after I went away for a few hours. Weird, but ok.