Can we remove war mode please

I have been playing for a long time. I love seeing red health bars on my screen. The intensity of get killed or the intrusive thoughts of wanting to kill really makes wow wow. Ever since warmode was implemented I haven’t feel excited since. Biggest reason been there are only small % of people are in warmode. It made the WORLD of warcraft lost its charisma. It’s very boring compare to before when war mode wasn’t a thing. Can we please have 2 or few maps or at certain time where war mode is active for everyone? Wow needs to be wow again.


I tried war mode for a little bit and saw nobody besides a few horde players outside org. It felt like I was on a pve server.

Actually it felt worse than a pve server because at least on a pve server I saw some people in the world outside a city.


War mode is amazing! The amount of rare spawns you can farm with it is great. Got a ton of mounts from it.


That’s actually why warmode is so bad lol. If warmode is suppose to be a dead mode where no involvement and only good for rare farmings than might as well just make a offline mode instead


I don’t think you really need war mode to farm mounts these days

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lol. But listen! I got all of the draenor mounts minus the one in gorgorond from it, and it took like 10 minutes to get the hidden ret artifact cause of it.

Faster spawns in war mode.

World PvP never recovered from the introduction of flying mounts. Vanilla open world battles were something else.


Probably because there are a lot less people trying to farm it lol

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lol. They remove war mode, I’ll be a very sad panda.

I hope they keep war mode but add a pvp server on the side. I’d join that

Yes, bring back pvp servers. And stop allowing alliance to overrun every damn server. Also make it so Tichon is it’s own server and make sure those kids can’t leave.

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Snowcrest tells you NO! Not going to happen.

Warmode is the best thing they’ve added in ages.

People not being out in the world is less of a Warmode issue and more of a Blizz not giving enough incentive to actually be out in the world rather than in town waiting for instance queues.

it’s simple math that war mode has divided players into 2 separate worlds. how can anyone fail to see such obvious


Before Warmode, people that didn’t wanna pvp would’ve been on pve realms and pvpers on pvp realms, obviously.

There were already two different choices separating players.

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‘War Mode’ should be a login checkbox, with a cooldown once actively fighting so you don’t just buffer a relog in place of a button.

Why on login? - So they can do as described below for us battle-heavy players.

War Mode

  • Your server affiliation is no longer relevant and are instead pooled with likeminded players with PvP enabled on a centralized battlegroup.

then why they revert all pvp realm to normal and implement warmode? clearly they did it to block people from entering pvp since there are too much complains

I’m with you 100%, war mode seriously sucks bad

While I think converting PvP realms into normal modes was a mistake, there’s not much Blizzard can do about it anymore now that it’s done. From what I understand, they did it to offer those who felt “trapped” on a PvP server a way to escape.

Reasons for a non PvP player to play on a PvP server range from wanting to play with friends who rolled on a PvP server to a new player who might not have known what they were getting into, etc. There’s also those who were PvP players who wanted off a PvP server because their realm population become completely unbalanced (Sargeras for example in Legion was like 95% Alliance, 5% Horde, same with BleedingHollow that had similar 95% Horde 5% Ally)

Regardless of the reasons, some players weren’t happy about PvP servers and didn’t want to be on them anymore. Do I think Blizzard could’ve done better to alleviate some of these issues? Sure, but they didn’t, and because of that we have War Mode.

Blizzard can’t realistically go back and revert the change and make the now normal realms that were once PvP back into PvP. You’re forcing entire server populations who like to play with WM off suddenly into a “WM on all the time” mode.

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