Can we remove the time gate from Unity pattern please?

The game literally gifts yiu a free heroic belt unity.

If you want the memory it’s going to take some grinding.

After the dumpsterfire that was SL (worst expansion in history) we should get everything for free to maybe be able to salvage something and have fun for the first time.

lol that is true.

You spelled WoD wrong.

Just because you’re bad at the game and can’t have fun doesn’t mean everyone is.

Same! I do not get others with that mentality either.

There might gasp be new people rolling in to prepare for a new expansion. Let ppl have fun in these last few months before a new xpac.

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I’m tired of him imposing and greenlighting bad game and system design

WoD was better than SL in every possible way. Heck even BFA was vastly better than SL.

The game is bad because SL was the worst designed expansion with the most convoluted systems. So time for some relief if they want people to come back. SL drove millions of players away for a reason.

These are the facts. System Lands was the model of how NOT to make an MMO.

They’ll quit in the first month like they always do, though.

Totally disagree. BfA had the continuous, never-ending azerite power grind. Legion was similar, but at least Legion had that 1 patch where AP was max-capped.

BfA did have better raids (Shadowlands has 2 of the worst raids in history), but we lost a ton of players who just got burnt out by the AP grind.

The reason why the average Sub is 1-3 months a year is because the game has been bad for several expansions. They haven’t released a complete game at launch since WoD oddly enough. So there is no incentive to stay playing a convoluted incomplete mess.

We can only hope DF is different but… the trend isn’t good and that is why there is no player retention past 1 month.

No it’s not, it’s because most people who play WoW treat it like any other game: They buy it, they play it for a few weeks, and then they’re done.

And it has ALWAYS been that way.

Those are the true casuals. The folks on this forum who say “I’m a casual”… they’re not.

About half the people who buy an expansion are done a month later. Blizzard’s fine with that, they just see them as “box sales”.

There’s nothing wrong with any of this. It’s just that people FREAK OUT when the player numbers drop by half at the start of each expansion, when they really shouldn’t.

Azerite was better than Anima. The gearing and sytems were better. At least 8.3 there was some fun to be had. The zones, class design, world quest were all better. Gonna have to hard disagree.

SL is the worst expansion in history not just for WoW but for any MMO. They did everything wrong. From the Quest, Zones, Story, Design, Gearing, Systems. SL was by far the worst thing every created.

I’d rather grind AP or do Island Expeditions than Choregast or World Quest in SL. Let’s not forget Korthia either :man_facepalming:

Azerite was fundamental to our characters’ performance.
Anima had zero relevance to our characters’ performance.

No it wasn’t.

Both WoD and BFA are worse than Shadowlands.

Again wrong. I know you were trolled out of the arena forums but you’re still probably that delusional.

None of those are facts. If they were it would be because Blizz catered too much to solo players

Yeah catering to solo players has definitely made the game worse.

Further proof you’re flat out delusional.

They did it already but they want to main swap. Asking someone to grind revered right before the end of the expansion is unreasonable tbh.

The Memory is account wide so swapping mains doesn’t mean they have to grind to revered again.

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Seriously. How many times do we need to tell people this?

And you know what’s really funny?

All memories are account-wide.