Can we reduce visual clutter

Yes, and you’ll see me replying to your posts, explaining why they are wrong.

Hi. Snikrot here, casual elite.

I actually want more colors. I was hoping we’d finally get a raid encounter that is identical to Disneyland’s world of color. Maybe a fireworks show with a DDR light up dance floor.

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Go back to classic?

I think we need more flair. If I can still see my character during a raid, it’s not enough.

I love a debate, so good luck. That said, there’s no wrong opinion on this topic. It’s just visual clutter. Go look for me in an LFR thread or something with more substance if you’re gonna follow me like that. :ok_hand:

But I want ooh shiny crammed into a quintillion things.


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You are lumping a lot of things unfairly into encounter design here.
The Azshara fight is no where near tall enough to impede your ability to see.
There have been bosses many times larger than her, and in a time where it was actually hard to see thanks to poor camera angles and a lack of technology.

Either way, your complaint about what other people are doing I can understand, but this is not related to the encounter at all, so you should keep those separate.
They have already taken huge steps towards reducing visual clutter from classes that aren’t your own, and frankly more spells than not have a dramatic reduction of visual element for those around them.

What else can they do?

Perhaps the solution is a setting in the interface that allows you to gradient this?
Allow it to show 100 percent fidelity and 0 percent?

Would be an interesting concept.
A slider that makes it appear you are the only person doing any type of spell at all would probably be extremely popular, but it seems quite counter to the purpose of a raid in general.

Anyway, in terms of encounter design, just take a deep breath and try to learn from the visual queues.
There may be a lot of mechanics going on, but they aren’t anywhere near as diverse as you make them sound.

Just learn what’s happening, when, and how to deal with them, and it wont feel like “lasers, raining ice, and wild fires” anymore.

What you call visual clutter, I call Class Identity. Like you want to tone down a “Chaos Bolt” ? It’s not a “Mildly ruffle your hair” Bolt, it’s literally Chaos, tossed at you as a big ball of death.

I don’t follow people around, I reply to posts with bad takes, not to posters.

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People have been asking for the D3 style clutter reduction for years, yet we dont have it, despite the fact that it would be immensely helpful.

Clearly the answer is to remove all spell visuals from bosses and players. Way too much going on.

Grumbles, here - Elite Baker and Loa of Cookies.

I giggled cuz it’s Sunday and it’s Tuiie.


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Tuiie I love your threads!

however I disagree with them like 95% of the time…don’t stop being awesome tho :smiley:

Helpful how ?

Guilds are still killing all the top Mythic bosses, Mythic+ keys are being cleared at high level, even with the amount of visuals we have now.

Heck, whenever someone plops down a few toys like the “Boss transform”, everyone huddles around and enjoys it.

I’d say visuals are one of the weirdest complaints. If anything, people constantly want updated and better visuals so that the game doesn’t look as dated as it often does.

I still see Paladins run around with the “Fairy wings” glyph, even though they completely revamped Avenging Wrath and it looks great now, compared to the original TBC design that looked really awful, especially Glyphed.

Perhaps my biggest pet peeve as of late has been AoEs which are almost the exact same colour as the floor.

I struggle with it already, but I absolutely weep for people who’re colourblind. Deadly, especially one-shot AoE mechanics should always be a seperate colour from the surface they’re projected on, if not outright contrast it.

It’s made even worse when there’s a couple to watch out for, and the one that isn’t camoflauged in the floor is the one that’s not going to kill you immediately.

Basically, I think it’d be nice if important mechanics stood out a bit more. No need to hide or remove every other effect, but maybe have them be desaturated or semitransparent? Especially other player’s spells.

There’s literally a setting for filters for people who are colorblind.

… Which I doubt is going to help when the mechanic and the floor it’s on are the same colour for non-colourblind people? :confused:

It does very well when two different colours look the same to a colourblind person - which is the reason it exits - but that’s not my point.

Are you really just going to sit in this thread and complain that people want an option to reduce visual clutter, for no other reason other than it inexplicably offends you enough to do so?

Adding this option wouldn’t even affect you unless you turned it on. At som point you need to acknowledge that you’re just whining to whine and arguing to argue.

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It’s a big problem in 40v40 PvP too, probably moreso, especially after you get a few moonkins on both sides doing their starfall thing. It becomes impossible to keep track of what’s going on.