Can we put azralon/rag servers to oceanic or have their own?

Wiped multiple times to both our azralon people in this 15 cuz of “lag” 2000 ms. Like why is this even a thing?

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I love when people are clueless and complain about that one. You know that all brazillian and latin american servers are still located in the US, right? There is absolutely no way you are lagging because you are grouped with someone from Azralon/Ragnaros.

Oceanic servers on the other hand are a different story…


My best advise, do not invite them in your m+ group. Not only because of their latency but also because… you know what I mean.


Indeed. While Blizzard does have a datacenter used for some games in Brazil, WoW does not operate out of there. The SA servers for WoW are out of Chicago.

THEY have serious lag connecting, but it does not so much impact US players because we don’t get shifted to an SA server.


^ this don’t inv rag,azerlon, players period


you seem to have no grasp of things outside the US. Here’s a map to help you

Yea I can’t help but feel bad when I see an azralon player trying to make a group but nobody wants to.

It’s just widespread at this point that those servers are known to have issues in pugs.

Lol idc about the players. I care about the lag and if they have HUGE MS or not. Thats all that matters

Then why are they having huge MS ? It’s like its a constant thing. It’s like me playing with oceanic people.

Sure, except OCE ppl have about 350ms.

exactly my point, why cant they just separate those servers and put them in a diff side like how there’s oceanic options…

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2000ms lag, they’re probably just bad players trying to shift the blame on lag. Unless they’re playing on a toaster in the worst wifi spot in their house inside a volcano, 2000ms is insane.

Sure, clearly, it’s not like majority of people in those servers say the same thing, so you saying they’re all bad?

2000 ms is just ridiculous, I’d be fine with up to 300ms which is what most people say, and if they have more, YES they are bad players because a good player wouldn’t put themselves in a position where they have insane lag that makes the game unplayable. At 2000ms, you’re going to be playing badly no matter what, it doesn’t matter if you are a good or bad player, you become a bad player because your character is going to miss interrupts, cast spells on mobs that are already dead, disconnect, run/disengage off platforms because the game isn’t telling you where you are.

I was having issues with my ISP years ago. I would get 55k ms or higher but wow was the only game I had issues.

Ended up having a tech friend come over and fix the issues

Im brazilian and sometimes ms just go up and up, like a lot, also disconnects are way worse than lag, i had at least 80 wipes no nzoth due dc’s, some of the trys just ended when the healer dced when clicking on the portal to mg2.
I would like a brazilian server to correct this.

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You would think so. Before Comcast came out and replaced the cables in the ground I would hit 10,000 ping in DayZ and get insta kicked from the server. Spikes to 5000 in WoW were a regular occurrence.

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That’s awful, probably why people do not want to group. I don’t mean to be rude. It doesn’t change the fact that a player on these realms performed poorly because they had bad lag or DCed a bunch, the key is still bricked. If you’re seriously getting 2k ms though, that’s insane, I would quit WoW (or at least stop doing M+) at that point because it’s simply unacceptable that they would give you that terrible connection and expect you to be competitive.

He thinks you were complaining about you lagging. For some reason, he cant seem to fathom that the statement he made was completely backward.

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This, like why its not a thing? I dont even understand

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