Can we please just have retail transmog + dressing room functionality

With the old transmog system comes issues that were solved by addons such as mogit previously, no addons are currently maintained like this anymore as retail has the exact funtionality and inherently also discontinued the classic/old versions of the addons.

The UI elements and functionality of transmog in Cataclysm isn’t core to the Classic experience, so I see no reason to hamper years and expansions worth of updates on the system by reverting it to “classic”.

Just give us retail Transmog + Dressing Room please. :pray:


yeah its currently kind of a weird mix between old and new after testing the beta. I dont like it. We cant even hide parts of our equipment yet which would kill the point on being able to transmog wrist items and shirts if you cant even see them anyway lol.

Blizzard, please just fully transfer the retail functionality and all of its updates to Cata classic transmog. Yes this also includes being able to transmog all white/grey items as well, I will not stop asking for this.


we need the ability to hide certain pieces like shoulders/belt/tabard


They really should stop making features worse in order to make it “more classic.”

The original mount collection UI in Wrath was terrible. Then they finally just gave up on re-making new UI elements and imported the retail collections tab. They still make that pointlessly worse though by not adding the random favorite feature (even though you can mark mounts as favorites???).

They should just use retail transmog, including the TWW upcoming updates that let you unlock different armor types than your class uses across your account.


I agree with most but I would be against the unlock different armor types than your class uses across your account like it will be in retail soon. In classic, this would be a huge negative since the majority of xmog runs will still need a group. Everyone would need/roll on everything. It works in retail because 99% of old raids/dungeons you can solo and if not theres personal loot. Would be a big negative in classic.


I would say it’d still be a potential big positive for classic. Organized groups could just establish ahead of time that you’re limited to rolling for one armor type or certain things. You’re less likely to waste anything with the TWW improvements. You could also have someone bring their more geared character to get mogs for another character to make the run smoother even if the armor types aren’t the same.

I think they could also add a transmog roll option like they have in retail so in say a RDF heroic you’d have need/transmog and greed. They could restrict need rolls to people whose class has some use for it, but allow transmog rolls for anyone. I believe transmog is a higher priority than greed if you don’t already have the appearance. If you want it for offspec you could just wait and see if anyone else needs it and need it if they don’t.

They could also add in the legacy raid damage bonus for vanilla and TBC raids once you’re 85 if they weren’t already planning on it. It would make sense to add this alongside transmog.

yeah you have that on retail if you want retail trash go play retail cata its 100% optional there for you. LEAVE CLASSIC ALONE!!!

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Would also like hide options for more slots, and hide helm/cloak interface options removed and moved to transmogifier. Doesn’t make sense to implement a portion of something from retail and retain some odd clunky part for no reason.


Maybe because this is classic and not RETAIL!!! stop asking for retail changes enjoy the game how it was orginally played if you want more retail go play retail stop ruining classic for people who want to re/play the game without changes

bro if you want #nochanges then go back to Era, that ship sailed a loooooooooooong time ago in the progression servers


this isnt classic if they add retail changes

I think you’re lost and confused.

Cata Classic is already going to have a lot of changes from the original. Including the pace of content and a new 5 man dungeon system that hasn’t been previewed yet that isn’t going to be available on release but has already been announced. Just like how WotLKC had a new 5 man dungeon system and added features like the collections tab that wasn’t part of the original.

You can enjoy the original content with the original class designs while still having improved features.


Hate to break it to you, but alpha/beta/gamma wasn’t in WotLK originally, #nochanges ended in classic vanilla with boons and other things too.

Furthermore as I already stated in the OP, you can implement a retail system into Classic without changing the core philosophy of what it is that makes Classic, Transmog and Dressing Room would have no impact on your Classic experience.


Hes being really obtuse too, why are you even arguing for here anyway? We are in Cataclysm era now, any sense of “vanilla” has been gone 2 expansions ago and in Cataclysm we got introduced to transmog.

So it makes sense to implement the best version of that feature into this version rather than weirdly limit it to satisfy purists.


most of the people who want retail stuff never played the OG version of the game and are so used to being pampered and cattered to in retail that you feel like that should exitest in the game even tho it wasnt there begin with. imagine wanting to play a game you never played but with modern changes thats defeats the entire purpose of playing classic

Where you draw this from I have no idea other than I don’t find this to my taste therefore no one else should be able to enjoy it.

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wanting to play the game i played as a young adult without changes. Is where this came from wanting to enjoy the real classic feel not retail trash being added to the game it takes away from everything. Void storage was used as a gold sink back in the day but with the new retail xmog system void storage isnt needed so now we have one less way to take out gold out of a already super inflated in game economy

So trying to bottle lightning again and again and have the experience as you exactly wanted okay got it. Well we didn’t get the exactness as you said you wanted. So I cannot for the life of me understand why you don’t want others to have options that you can ignore otherwise. It’s flying all over again those that want others to always use a ground mount but dont use it themselves.

I played since 2004, you seem to fail at reading comprehension.

Did you complain about 3-day ZG lockouts? or Boons, or Layers? #nochanges right?


This has been aggrends mo the entire time.

I miss Omar.

Aggrend is just the homunculi for the spirit dad gamers that ruin classic.