What sense does it make to have 2 different separate rooms of portals in Org/SW, oh and there’s also a random portal for no reason on the zepplin tower/boat ramp to UC/Darn! Yeah, bc that makes complete sense, right? And the portals last forever.
Here’s a better idea… a portal NPC that can do exactly what a real live mage can do. Talk > Portal/teleport pls! Ok where to? Select your destination
No mess, no running around, no fixing entire spaces and areas frustratingly. Just 1 dude/dudette who makes portals to wherever you want. Why is that so hard?!!?!?!1?
That’s a good idea Zaneya.
I also get frustrated with all the portals and rooms etc.
Outside of the Teldrasil and Under City portals, the rest are right there and easy enough as is. Especially when those 2 specifically are only used for holiday events (and even for UC you can go to Silver Moon and quickly get the portal to UC).
I think “as is” works fine as is. Or you can play a mage if its that big a deal.
in most MMOs made after 2015 you just open the world map and teleport to where you want to go.

WoW ever switches to something like that and there will be 40 threads on the first page of GD crying about “muh immersion da world feel empti”
So we’ll have 30 people spawning portals directly on top of each other at this NPC?
I love this idea. Pay some gold for a mage NPC to open a portal. No massive portal rooms or portalling from one zone to the portal room zone.
Because portals are maintained by mages for individual places and it looks cool for immersion to have the different ones.
It has a reason. The zeppelin no longer goes to UC after the phasing changes.
Because they’re maintained.
No thanks. I enjoy the portal rooms and the way the mages keep them up.
Yes, I enjoy the RP elements in the game and even the little things like mages maintaining portals to different places is fun to me.
I can dig it. I don’t really mind the Portal Rooms, tbh. just noting that Modern MMOs just allow you to teleport from the World Map.
I’m talking mainly about the people who don’t even read quest text, but just want something to complain about for clout.
And change them hourly so they get a break, or the Kirin Tor Arcane Workers Union may call on a strike for better working conditions. 
Sounds like you need a mage friend
If they want to avoid players fast travelling a lot, they really should reduce the need for them. For instance, the asinine crafting system we have now requiring rare work benches is one thing that need to get fixed. I do not mind the work benches but the fact that they are so rare.
I’m not sure what a “modern MMO” is, tbh. lol
In Palia I use a travel board to take a horse to the next zone (it’s a teleport but from a board).
In SWTOR I use my ship to fly to planets.
In Rift I literally had to jump through a portal in different cities to go to different cities. Same with ArcheAge, iirc.
Not sure how GW2 or ESO works.
I think every MMO has a different way to travel, though I haven’t come across one where I open a map and just go there for major city/zone travel.
you open the world map, click on a destination, and teleport.
Is that in-zone travel to smaller quest hubs or between zones/major cities?
Because the hubby is telling me you have to use Wayshrines in ESO.
It’s like Skyrim. Click a travel point, no matter where you’re at, and go.
yep. there are wayshrines all over the place.
you open the world map, click on a Wayshrine, and then teleport. you CAN run to a wayshrine and use it manually, but you don’t HAVE to. you pay gold if you teleport from the Map, it’s free if you run to the nearest Wayshrine first.
same thing with GW2.
I loathe and hate this idea. I am tired of players trying to make everything faster in a genre that does not call for it.
It’s called retail.
Portals were already a downgrade from having ships taking you places. Making it a single npc makes the world feel even less connected. Part of feeling like a world was traveling.
So that’s in zone travel. That’s the equivalent of flightpoints in WoW, not portals to major cities in different zones. So SWTOR in zone travel is similar: quick travel is open the map and take a speeder, which is immediate teleport. But to go to different planets, that’s taking the ship there.
It looks like GW2 has a Portal Officer?
you can teleport directly to any wayshrine anywhere in the world that you have discovered.
it’s not like flightpoints, it is more like Mage Teleporting if you wanna relate it to WoW.