Can we please have worgen tails now?

I have no interest in being owned by a fox whose best friend is a hedgehog.


I can certainly see that happening

But Miles is awesome sauce

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Forget tails for their worgen form. What they need is pointy ears and glowing eyes for their human form. Like Genn in HoTs.

There can be both. It would be cool to have options for worgen human forms being slightly different than regular human forms.

With this many people wanting it they probably should just do it already.

But at the same time you gotta respect an artist that after this much pressure just goes:


Wow, this added so much to the discussion.

It’s as much as this discussion deserves when we already have a worgen tail thread at over 14,000 posts, somehow rivaling even a few allied race megathreads despite just being an echo chamber made and maintained in the pursuit of wanting Blizzard to retcon a physical aspect of worgen into existence.

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Because of very request on one of the most popular races; High Elves, we now have them on the Alliance. Even if it weren’t the case, why wouldn’t players go to the place they believe the Blizzard dev team listens to them? Why wouldn’t they go to the forums to ask something they want added to the game? Your logic is incoherent. 14,000 post is a testament to how many players want worgen to have tails.

Its an echo chamber is when no one else is able to speak on a matter. Everyone gave their list of arguments for why worgens should be able to have tails, and refuted the ones that were against it. That isn’t an echo chamber, but I guess anything that has a massive amount of support is an ‘echo chamber’ to you.

To you and those like you, you end up just saying no for the sake of denying a very requested feature. It works in functionality of the lore as explained in the first post you quoted.

Need tails. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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As soon as possible.

Worgen running animations would look so much better if they had tails.

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Tails, yes. And uhhh
 Alot of other stuff, tattoos for their human form, and color wheels for eyes and hair, scars, make up, and this can go for all races, and should. The vanilla stuff at character creation/race change, and the more ‘rebellious’ sort of customization at tailors and parlors and the like. Lets have some customization that might rival a free to play MMO from 10 years ago, hmm?

Lore adhering RP toons can stay how they like and what is natural, and this will give people alot more customization, and allow shops to be visited in the stores and gold to be spent. it makes the world real, with commerce and interaction in the cities. it’s literally good for everyone.

I strongly agree. I hope one day we will have these features. Blizzard definitely can do it. They done amazing things such as Dragonriding, the customization for Dracthyr, and more.

I have faith in Blizzard to add these features in time. I really hope they add tails, and more customization. As you said, it is good for everyone.

No, we got cosmetic options for a race that was originally intended to be a fresh take on Thalassian elves and a continuation of Alleria’s story that started in Legion, as opposed to Blizzard giving the Alliance an NPC race whose sole purpose from TBC onward was to act as one of four Alliance foils to the actual blood elves (the other three being void elves, night elves, and draenei). They can’t display the name “high elf” on their nameplate, they can’t have NPCs call them a high elf, they have no high elven heritage armor, mount, racial abilities, etc.

And at least when Blizzard gave those options to void elves, they didn’t have to modify the rig to support it like giving worgen tails would likely necessitate.

It’s a testament to derangement. Even the first post in that thread is just “Give worgen tails” instead of any real argument.

(by extension) An environment in which a person is exposed to only those beliefs and opinions that agree with their own, so that their existing views are magnified and reinforced while alternative ideas are not expressed or considered.

It takes a quick glance to see that the thread is largely people agreeing with each other on wanting something that will more than likely never happen, in the vain hope that Blizzard will take notice (they won’t). The same thing is happening here.

I say no because the idea is pure fanwank that had fuel poured on the fire thanks to a part in a book that the author admitted was an oversight.

It doesn’t. You want them to write some hackneyed explanation for why worgen can now have a feature that they’ve never been shown having before.

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Sometimes I really wonder if they do it just to spite fun sponges like you.

Hoppin onto my Worgen to howl my support for a nice beautiful bushy tail.

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The worgen rig actually already has the full boning for tails on the model applied. Theyre a hold over from when the rig was applied to the arrakoa and saberon in wod and were updated when we got the new models in bfa.
They just need to make a model around them at this point. Most of the original worgen tail mods before blizz cracked down on the model change ones ised it for their base


They can have pandaren tails<3
(male type tails only)
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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