Can we please have worgen tails now?

Careful, you are giving them opposition to their opinion. They might accuse you of being emotional, or contributing to the echo chamber for disagree with them.

On a honest note, its really strange that whenever you offer counterpoints to some of these guys. They just just plug their ears and don’t actually engage with the other parties are saying.

You offer a debate: They ignore your rebuttals and say you are emotional.

You offer examples of things being given because they were requested: They ignore it, and say: “Blizzard never listens to the fans!”

They say: “No.” And nothing else. And when you respond with an equally curt: “Give Worgen tails.” They say you have no argument.

The brainrot is insane.

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Literature says both. So, both it is.

Not an artist decision, actually. The original concept art had tails.

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There is a set of lycanthropy (i think i spelled that wrong) that has a tail. It’s more connected to the wolf side. Some werewolves turn into full on wolves too in older folklore.

Wolf man is more connected to the human side of things. There’s a scale essentially. There are some that can transform without the moon as well. Least from my understanding.

The model is already rigged for a tail. Argument invalid… NEXT!

Oh so being passionate about a customization option is derangement. LOL silly little gnome guess you never read any of the High Elf posts… NEXT

Book author who simply writes stories is not a dev. I know its a heart break but go look at Hearthstone and youll see plenty of art with Worgen having tails. They look better with it and we are asking for it to be optional anyway… NEXT
Lightforged Warlocks… Everything you said is now null and void thanks to that addition. So let Worgen have optional tails its not going to kill you and if it dose well that seems to be a personal issue that we cant do much about.

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I can’t post the interview, or the rest of the links because I’m still new to the forums. These people in opposition desperately grab at straws to try to justify such weak arguments against worgen tails. Usually outright making stuff up.

Cool, another topic I can express this observation in.

Worgen getting tails doesn’t really compare to the elf meltdowns, tails on a anthropomorphic wolf race makes as much sense as elves having long pointed ears.
It really was just alot of noise from people that couldn’t get over that the elves they wanted on the “good guy” faction were already on the “bad guy” faction.

Since the rig already has a skeleton and animations for a tail, it would take just as much, or even less effort than given orcs straight backs.

Ah, so this boils down to being the first category in my first quote (I dont want it so no one can)

No explanation is necessary, same as orcs getting their straight back option or night elves getting night warrior customisations, since there is no lore stating that worgen are unable to have tails, a wolf like feature just like fangs, claws and fur, once they are afflicted with the worgen curse.

Cause there really isn’t any “real argument” against Worgen tails apart from it being true that they are currently absent, but if thats what you want to use as an argument then no one should ask for any more extended customisation on any race.

You quoted it earlier, but we all know the actual argument against worgen tail naysayers, and all roads to not wanting people to have nice things is ‘Ew furries’.

It’s genuinely the only reason people are frothing at the mouth at the concept. It’ll make some furries happy and we can’t allow THAT to happen!

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I don’t speak for everyone, but the amount of furry stuff being added to the game made me quit retail. That, and the overwhelming focus on elves, and bad lore, and convoluted design.

I like humanoid races, orcs, demons, even gnomes and goblins.

Vulpera, piss me off. They’ve got basically no backstory (compared to the other races, it’s just a caravan) and they look like little goblin-fursonas.

At least other furry races kinda “fit in” with the lore, they were monstrous or gritty, not cute and fluffy “UwU” bait.

Drack-theer were just the nail in the coffin for me.

They’re never gonna look like they thematically fit in, and they’re here to stay. It’s a visual mess.

Anyway I’m posting because I have a Worgen, I have him in human form at all times and worgen form in combat.

Don’t like tails, don’t want them, they’re for the furry crowd (who have already recieved too much lately in WoW since BfA) and that’s basically it.

I feel like DF was “made for” those folks. At the dismay of everyone else.

I’ve been called “not a real worgen” because of my stance.

As if werewolves are real, lmao.

Have you ever considered worgen not having tails is a feature?

Give worgen tails.

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I don’t play a worgen but…please give them optional tails to make all the worgen players happy! I don’t see why not.

Also it would be cute like real canines. I’m happy they updated the models to be more wolf-like and got rid of the silly perma-snarl.

Oh look whos back from their 3 day… Was it good for you Chespin? It sure was nice for us… anyway. We want optional Worgen tails and you can not stop us from asking about it. Now run along before you find yourself on another 3 day break.

Hence why we ask for it to be optional. If you want to keep your Worgen looking like they do now, great! For those who would like an optional tail they can then choose to have it. Which is also great it makes both sides happy. More choices will always be better and the less stuff forced on people is also for the better in the long run.

Only if the Human form gets a fleshy tail when they transform.

Bump. Give us tail / no tail options for worgen!
Gilneas patch just dropped and you STILL haven’ done it, Blizzard!

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Bumping! Here’s to hoping they’ll listen under the new leadership.

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“Bumping” is explicitly against the TOS, especially to necro a thread.

Just make your own so we can make fun of your tail-less wolves there.

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Of course not. A ‘feature’ is ‘having a prominent attribute or aspect’. Being tail-less is, by definition, the lack thereof.

they screwed it with gilneas tho…idk how we’d magically have tails bc of the horribble gileneas patch but this really coulda been the time to add it lol.

“Having a distinctive attribute or aspect” is also part of the Oxford definition of a feature. Being tail-less is, by definition, a distinctive attribute. aKcHuAlLy.

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While I’m indifferent to worgen tails, I really do wish they had a deep black fur color. The two darkish ones we do have just aren’t black enough to me, and don’t look very black in game, more like a dark gray or blue/gray.