Can we please have worgen tails now?

Yeah, it’s obvious from you losing your mind in response to my opposition that you run on passion instead of logic, so I’m not sure why I bothered entertaining you before.

“Druid forms have lots of variation” isn’t an excuse to disregard consistency. It would have been a reason to provide the option upon release, but it is not a reason to add the option arbitrarily after 13 years.

Ask for a new race or Worgen-based Allied Race that has a tail. Worgen don’t have them.

Note: If Worgen ever get tails, I will use the option. I do think it looks better aesthetically. But until that happens, I’m against it, because I think things like this should remain consistent. People don’t randomly grow appendages, generally.

Give Worgen Tails :dracthyr_heart:

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What? I gave you a rebuttal for each of your points, even though you obviously didn’t bother to actually read the first post of this very thread.

You made a statement about how Blizzard somehow didn’t give what High Elves players want, despite them actively catering to them in Shadowlands by giving them all High Elf the customization in Shadowlands after massive support.

Called the massive support of a feature “derangement” because said feature again; is massively popular.

And finally claiming this was an echo-chamber when clearly there is opposition.

Almost everything you said had been entirely emotion based, and actively ignores historic examples of Blizzard listening to the playerbase about customization. You made all these sweeping claims, and ironically was the very thing you claimed others were.

The irony. When you were given actual arguments you didn’t engage with them, and made some pre-made response about “W-Well worgen tail in Before the Storm was a typo!!!” Can’t make this up.

Going to entertain actual opposition.

We don’t need an allied race to justify the differences that are found between druid forms. Appearances in druid forms are witnessed in some of the books between individuals. And in game as well. These differences aren’t exclusively across racial lines.

In the case of druids, they do grow those very appendages. Cat form having them, bear form completely altering the appendages present, travel form, and more. You can change the appearance as you see fit with glyphs in game for example as well. Outside of outright different transformations you have differences between two different bear forms.

You have options for bears with ribcages on the outside, bears with different anatomy entirely (werebear form as stated before), cats with owl faces and anatomy, cats with different effects, and many more examples. This doesn’t even involve the forms only available to NPCs despite them being just as Night Elf or any other playable race.

These differences can justify the more options worgens can have. Worgen do not operate under the same circumstances as other races, being more derivative of that of a druid form than anything else. Worgens having tails would simply fall under more customization options, and wouldn’t be inconsistent. It would be consistent to what the worgen truly are; A corrupted druid form.

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While I fully support this motion, as mentioned, we already have a tail thread and a worgen customization thread (that also includes tails). Let’s not clutter the forums though believe me, Blizzard knows we want tail options for our beloved worgen!


Awesome! I really do hope they add it soon. I been playing worgen ever since I joined WoW. When people were asking for new and better models worgen tails were up there with them.

Has Blizzard given you any updates on worgen tails? I don’t mean to clutter, I’m just very excited and wish to know!

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No news yet I’m afraid though I am remaining optimistic about it. Blizzard did mention something about Gilneas that’s going to be further down the line which has almost all the worgen players I know extremely excited. I think, if anything, worgen will get a little more love for whenever that will happen. We just have to have patience and see.


All worgens should have tales. Long tales, short tales, tall tales, funny tales.

I mean they are my favorite genre of steampunk meets Van Helsing

:ocean: :wolf: :ocean: :wolf:

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Why would I respect someone for being lazy? Probably does not even play this game like everyone else anti tail.
(And I am not joking about that last part, inspect everyone’s profiles who are against tails, weirdest thing)


I genuinely think there’s like ten of you

Thats why I didn’t even respond to them, lol. I thought they were joking.

High Elf, Void Elf, and Blood Elf customizations have been far more in demand. By thousands of post more in demand. Each and ever one of these topics separately have more demand than worgen tails by a longshot.

These amount to…
41,220 total post asking for High Elves.

And they were given what they wanted, and likely even more. That is good.

Ion said around five years ago High Elves would never be playable.
In Shadowlands they explicitly state they were making new High Elf Customization, but only for NPCs.
The outcry was so great, they Ion and the rest of his team admitted they were giving these High Elf options to the playerbase.

But 14k post, a quarter of it opposition to the idea of worgen tails is too much pressure on developers. These guys are at best joking, or at worst just being dishonest.

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This is what I was hoping their heritage armor would look like instead of what we got.

What we got:

No ‘real argument’ needed. Give Worgen tails is all that needs to be said.

If Blizzard doesn’t take notice, nothing will have changed. If they do, I will come back to remind you.

They don’t need one. Just like Pandaren don’t need a reason why black and white pandaren can have tails when they never could before.

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Careful, you are giving them opposition to their opinion. They might accuse you of being emotional, or contributing to the echo chamber for disagree with them.

On a honest note, its really strange that whenever you offer counterpoints to some of these guys. They just just plug their ears and don’t actually engage with the other parties are saying.

You offer a debate: They ignore your rebuttals and say you are emotional.

You offer examples of things being given because they were requested: They ignore it, and say: “Blizzard never listens to the fans!”

They say: “No.” And nothing else. And when you respond with an equally curt: “Give Worgen tails.” They say you have no argument.

The brainrot is insane.

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Literature says both. So, both it is.

Not an artist decision, actually. The original concept art had tails.

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There is a set of lycanthropy (i think i spelled that wrong) that has a tail. It’s more connected to the wolf side. Some werewolves turn into full on wolves too in older folklore.

Wolf man is more connected to the human side of things. There’s a scale essentially. There are some that can transform without the moon as well. Least from my understanding.

The model is already rigged for a tail. Argument invalid… NEXT!

Oh so being passionate about a customization option is derangement. LOL silly little gnome guess you never read any of the High Elf posts… NEXT

Book author who simply writes stories is not a dev. I know its a heart break but go look at Hearthstone and youll see plenty of art with Worgen having tails. They look better with it and we are asking for it to be optional anyway… NEXT

Lightforged Warlocks… Everything you said is now null and void thanks to that addition. So let Worgen have optional tails its not going to kill you and if it dose well that seems to be a personal issue that we cant do much about.

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I can’t post the interview, or the rest of the links because I’m still new to the forums. These people in opposition desperately grab at straws to try to justify such weak arguments against worgen tails. Usually outright making stuff up.

Cool, another topic I can express this observation in.

Worgen getting tails doesn’t really compare to the elf meltdowns, tails on a anthropomorphic wolf race makes as much sense as elves having long pointed ears.
It really was just alot of noise from people that couldn’t get over that the elves they wanted on the “good guy” faction were already on the “bad guy” faction.

Since the rig already has a skeleton and animations for a tail, it would take just as much, or even less effort than given orcs straight backs.

Ah, so this boils down to being the first category in my first quote (I dont want it so no one can)

No explanation is necessary, same as orcs getting their straight back option or night elves getting night warrior customisations, since there is no lore stating that worgen are unable to have tails, a wolf like feature just like fangs, claws and fur, once they are afflicted with the worgen curse.

Cause there really isn’t any “real argument” against Worgen tails apart from it being true that they are currently absent, but if thats what you want to use as an argument then no one should ask for any more extended customisation on any race.