Can we please have a new race for demon-hunters?

“Ah’ve sacrafyced evrytheng, lad! Wut ah’ve YUUUU giv’n?”


Take 2 statements out of context just like CNN? How cute.

One was addressed to me. That was all you responded with. Did you expect a longer, articulate response to a blatant insult?

The context was well-formed responses, and those were your entire replies. Don’t blame me for your bad behavior.

Yes, I did. Also, how is it bad behavior to have an opposing viewpoint? You really are a leftist progressive if you actually believe that.

You didn’t offer an opposing view. You insulted. It has nothing to do with politics.

Progressive Leftist wtf lmao

Reread the post, but a little more slowly.

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Why? To reiterate you believe insults are an opposing view? I have better things to do with my time, complete stranger.

Nightborne have “infinitely” better customization options than Night Elves and Blood Elves?

I believe you may be mistaken!



Thanks for that :kissing_heart:

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Both goblins and gnomes.

fel orcs for horde, draenei(broken) for alliance

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But I mean did Illidan really train us that well? I mean sure he laid down the ground work but I’m the one who worked my way to the top of the DH class hall, I fought off Gul’dan and Sargeras, I was the one going around saving Azeroth. All I ever saw Illidan do was walk around talking tough, the most he did was beat up a glowing chandelier.

Illidan is busy fighting bats on Argus, an important task that can’t be delegated.

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You will play an elf demon hunter and like it.


No! I am my warglaives!

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But wouldn’t you rather have a sexy red Draenei complete with burning green eyes and red wings to match?

what? source? (Not calling you a liar)…i thought this was an elf only thing…

male night elves are pretty stout.

Gnome and Vulpera DH would be absolutely enjoyable.

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… The RPG…