Can we please get some Linux love?

Na, there is a few neckbreads that are that way…but that’s the exception and not the rule

And honestly on the gaming front it has
never been this easy to play games…install steam run… literally thats it…

Now blizzard can sometimes be a pain with Dvxk but thats life running Linux

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wasn’t being toxix.

Just pointing out if one is blindly pulling off repos you don’t know what’s in there.

md5 hashes checked is missed there as well, a real low level thing here too. All OS users often skip this lol.

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This. I feel like windows users seem to have a persecution fetish at the mere mention of asking for linux support.

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I run a window manager. And I rice the hell out of…what I can do in Linux could never possibly do with the ui in windows… although I have the ram to run, but with. Openbox running discord wow and having 5 tabs open in Firefox 4GB ram used try that on windows lol


You can use flathub exclusively or appimages. You don’t need to use repositories at all. Just make wow an appimage and host it with the blizzard launcher and then encrypt it. It would be more secure than the windows version. Why do i need to be forced to use spyware just to enjoy wow?

Between snaps, flatpaks, and appimige
There is honestly no need for repos…

Hell even Ubuntu is starting to get away from ppa’s

Although snaps sorta make my eyes twitch

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Because then that 3rd party service gets bought out by a bigger fish…the company is now on the hook for that. you see for if they have some good tech under the hood…big fish offer big money to take it over.

put enough 0’s in an offer and open source devs go here ya go.

See eve. Long ago it used some 3rd party indy kind of open source application for its mac os client. good stuff too…one of the better ways I have seen mac os get a pc game.

Nvidia (think nvidia) bought them out. and…ccp games had to jump through hoops to work on a wine like replacement.

Why? nividia was going to to predictibly charge way more for the the use of that x-platform tech they now owned. CCP games did not want to be on the hook if nvidia said pay us butt loads of cash.

Blizzard and other learned from this. Nice x-platform fixes issues this year. what happens when they sell over all rights 2 years later.

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Have you tried bottles for running battlenet

It’s almost like every argument against using Linux is nothing but lies people tell themselves to make excuses. If they put as much effort into making things work on Linux as they do complaining as to why they won’t support Linux, nobody would be using Windows either that or windows wouldnt be straight up spyware now. I used windows 7 until i couldn’t. It’s over. I no longer wish to support Microsoft if they want to monetize my user data. The argument people give “well phones do it so it’s ok” is really scary to me. Like they’re just ready to accept bad behavior because other companies do it too? Are people that devoid of their souls?

Most people just don’t give an expletive…
I even run a degoogled phone. Granted, I know I can’t get rid of all my user data out there. But I can try to mitigate as much as possible.

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Don’t understand this because flatpacks. Appimage. Snaps are all open source…no big tech company going to buy them out…
But ok whatever

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That’s cool, i just never saw any reason to buy a cellphone. Nothing i do requires i be in touch 24/7. At work, they make people put their phones in lockers. You can’t have them on the floor. So what’s the point? It’s just an expense that offers no value to my life. My home landline is enough.

Oh me got to have my phone…

Vulkan support isn’t just the flip of a switch, but I do support the option, for what that’s worth.

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Not financially worth it for them to add all that support for an operating system that represents a tiny tiny fraction of people playing wow

WoW used to run on Wine, maybe 10+ years ago, but they never did come out with a true Linux client, and with the declining userbase, it would be impossible I would think.

How do you know people wouldn’t resub who haven’t played in years due to having to leave wow behind to switch to Linux. Games aren’t life.

Read that post again. Open Source does not mean it will remain open source. Open source material has often been closed by the copyright holder at will.

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Yeah, that’s not going to happen with the open source license for flatpack or appimage.

parts of an application are not open source. they can be sold off.

Program called R.

a private consulting firm modified it to make money. They had it do what open source R could not. stuff like out of the box SMP/multicore support, custom scripting and features. You paid them to use it. It was not the open source R.

and one day…M$ showed them a big paycheck with lots of 0’s. they accepted. and this is how M$ now makes r base servers. they use that consulting firms variant they bought rights while respecting GNU.

and free R is still around.

Another fun example PGP. Open sourcen encyption. modified by many to now make money. they use and modify the open source and make big bucks off that.