Like, i thought the point of the mode was to get plunder and then kill…not just follow someone right off the drop to ensure they completely waste their time loading the game…i know I’m terrible at pvp, im not gonna deny that, it’s why i don’t play and never will play wow pvp…but i would like to be able to get more then 30 plunder a match
I’ve only ever had 2 people land in the same place as me. I would suggest finding a corner of the map that has nothing special going for it (very few mobs, no obvious chests, etc) and landing there. You can always tour the surrounding area in the aftermath of some initial clashes since things respawn.
That sounds like a great way for everyone to get a gear\level lead on you and guarantee you’re never winning an encounter with another player.
It is also a great way to sneak around and find plunder if you aren’t great at PvP.
that’s exactly what happened to me the first plunderstorm every time I tried it. Decided no rewards are worth that much annoyance.
My strat:
- Drop onto Elite (hopefully with more mobs near it) near a mob dense area, i love the farm.
- Kill them and be immediately aggressive to other players to shoo them away but prio mobs and levels. Don’t chase unnecessarily
- If you find yourself in a bad spot and aren’t at a competitive level a while in it might be better to fight to the death for fun/walk into the storm.
Keep at it, get dubs and gg go agane until you have what you want from Plunderstorm.
Having done it last year I see it’s not too bad to get the remaining items this year.
Pick a yellow zone, drop in on a rare, and just kill everything in sight.
You’ll get plenty of plunder and you won’t lose player encounters by default because you chose to land as far away as you could from any resource available to you.
That’s valid. I was just offering an alternative strat if they aren’t interested in the PvP side of this. Been using that strat from the start myself and it has paid off pretty well. Even got into the top 3 during one match.
Ha, I have had 2 kills out of probably 30 matches😂
I’ve had probably 5 or so total. My goal isn’t conflict though. It’s survival.
im trying to understand why by the time i land at lvl 1 there are already players at lvl 4 5 before i even got to any mob :v
Probably divebombing elites and rares.
Yep. I’ve been farming. Just finished purple mog, and bought both tenders. Haven’t decided on going after mounta; I have a few birds in game already so I don’t know if I want the headache for a recolor.
Probably not.
I’ve had it happen 4 times in a row now, i will crash down, kill the elite and not even a second later someone else crashes down on me, steals the spells and hunts me like a dog
Yeah, it’s all a game of chance. I’ve been fortunate so far.
I’ll probably go for the crocolisk and one of the parrots. The crocolisk first since there aren’t many of those in the game to begin with. It also matches the new armor set.
Played 6 games, won 5, feels like awareness and starting location has a huge impact.
A shield at the start of the game would not make sense, but maybe something like giving the starting barrel item unbreakable would give players the option to leave risky situations quickly and find safer turf after being being muscled out.
All these recolors are pretty lazy. We had a bad recolor problem in BC: looks like it’s coming back
Eh, we’ve had recolors since forever. This isn’t anything new. Hopefully they’ll add different stuff the next time around though.
just something man, ive made so little progress on my plunder, i dont even want to play the mode anymore because of these bloodthirsty early game goons
Starcraft match, 15 mins, no rush. Guess what, I rushed, zlots at yo door!