I think if you get into a scuffle early on and it’s clear you want to concede the location to the opponent you should be able to do that relatively consistently, in essence it’s a second chance.
Improving the escape tools like barrel so they’re more reliable would help a lot with that.
I suck badly at PVP. I stay around the outer edges and farm the camps of mobs where you can kill 5-6 mobs at once. You’ll level super fast, grab some better spells like the fire-nado and kill an elite or two.
Just try to survive as long as you can and focus on getting plunder. Yes, eventually either the storm or another player will get you. But if you can make 500+ plunder a match, it adds up. Plus you get daily goals that aren’t too bad and they help boost your plunder. I hit 1200 on my first match because of hitting goals and farming big mob groups.
yeah, the amount of times i try just for the barrel to break after like 2 seconds, its just frustrating because of how determined these players are to get what is ultimately a worthless kill
The thing is no kill is worthless, you just have to weigh up the time it takes to get it and the risk of letting you stay alive. Nobody can know you won’t kill them later, and while you’re alive you’re scooping up xp in the immediate area.
Usually I’ll get aggro on someone if I know I’m at least evenly matched but I’m not going to hunt you down if you run away, I won the territory I’m happy.
yeah, but your getting what…11 plunder for killing me? after chasing for the past 30 seconds instead of farming? at that point you’re just putting yourself behind to get 11 plunder from a level 1
Set a goal of something you want in the shop. For me, I wanted the purple pirate set, so I did just what I said earlier and finished most of it in a couple of hours.
Go for the tenders also. Those should be everyone’s priority before worrying about anything else.
I’m with you on getting wrecked over and over. Just try to do your own thing and you’ll get enough plunder to start getting the (EXTREMELY OVERPRICED) items you want.
What I get from you isn’t the point, say we land somewhere with 2500 xp. If we don’t fight we get 1250 each, but if we do then one of us probably gets at least 2200.
Everyone was terrible at PvP at some point, even the best of the best. It’s a skill, not a gift you’re born with. Don’t limit yourself, practice, learn, and you’ll succeed.
I do agree that a non PVP mode with aggressive mobs and other events to make it on the level of the PVP mode should be considered; a lot of players like us hate PVP. Call it “Carebear mode” for all I care.
I bet if this mode existed the pvp modes would be struggling to find players to fill and start the matches.
I’m fine with the pvp…i understand ppl like it, but i would like to get more then 10 - 50 plunder before I die, i don’t wanna be farming for the whole event duration
Look around as you’re starting the match and try to get away from others. Aim for mobs or preferably a few. You insta-kill them if you land on them, giving you exp and plunder right from the start. Only choose the green zones when choosing. Just keep a eye out for others. If you see someone bouncing around, take off towards another area.
The more multiple-mobs packs you can defeat throws a bunch of exp and plunder. Taking down elites also gets you ahead.
Set your shop goal, aim for mobs, avoid others as long as possible and you’ll start having 300-500 plunder matches. You get a bunch for completing the (daily?) quests inside.
In addition to that, i like to eventually get defensive/evasive abilities n escape would-be attackers. Some are stubborn but others will finally give up the chase lol.