The funny thing is that I have played D&D for 35 years, so roleplaying is something I consider fun normally. The stuff I heard was just disappointing as the couple who came over shared what they ran into. I believe it was Moonguard? I am probably wrong as that was 10 years ago.
Remember Inotep?
I don’t RP myself but would like to have this as an option for others as it doesn’t harm anyone and is a preference for many
Not off the to of my head. Unfortunately, had 3 TIAs and a stroke last year so my memory isnt best described as “awesome”
We can call it “Indexed”. It just takes a little more to get to, that’s all.
I told my wife that its like driving the same route to work for years but one day the normal turns you took are all closed and you get the “recalculating” message from your gps.
Well it’s not like you can “stop and ask directions”…well, you could. But talking to yourself…just brings about more questions.
I join this movement
me too …
There is already a big thread on this with a petition. #RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm
We are, / have vist the link below!
Jump to 6:50
It’s interesting none the less. That was posted on may 14th it seems.
Rp-PVP came in at around 1.8 / 1.7
Oooh, new interview! I haven’t seen this video.
Thanks for the info. My statement holds true.
Nice! This should boost morale. That being said people need to keep showing that there are interested people!
unless theres some extra coding or some poop, i dont see anything wrong with making a rp pvp realm for those that want it.
this is a thing i support.
It’s literally a server tag. That’s it. No other work involved. It’s the exact same ruleset as a PvP server. What it amounts to, is a road sign, telling us where home is.
You can see where Omar kinda fumbles over the subject, but then John comes in for the save “with regard to the bigger regions”.
I think we have their attention.
I’m guessing layering is the problem. Would it require its own mega server?
i dont know if there are any special things to it other than naming conventions. i know that they tried not to shard the realms on rp servers in general so bleh i think they went back on that anyways.
That’s great news! We at least got some hope it could happen.
My first character was on Emerald Dream and it was amazing. I plan on playing on a RP-PVP realm for Classic. I have faith they will have a server. Let’s keep making noise!