Can we please get a fresh classic era server while waiting until the next thing?


Can we please just get an official fresh classic (Vanilla only) era server now to fill the time before the next big thing?

Even if there are plans to release something like Classic+ or SoD2 in 2025; and therefore ‘not enough time’ for a server to run all the phases of classic.

I’m sure most people would be okay with abandoning the server before all of the phases get released if it means having something hype and populated to play on for the next 12 months.


Someone not interested in SoD, private servers, or bricked up Whitemane. Also, yes, someone who is disappointed in the Deviate Delight player exodus following the release of The War Within and the changing whims of streamers.


I really wouldn’t mind a fresh. I’m sure one day it will happen again. I’ll tell you this much i will definitely pick pve this time. Pvp was great but after a while its just a pain.


I don’t think they’re gonna do a fresh era. after thinking about it a bit it doesn’t really make sense to right now

SOD is like 80% thru its lifespan. They’ll do what I assume is an SSF hardcore server to tie over the fallout from the end of sod and are probably planning for it to carry over into their “next game mode” around this time next year


I don’t think they will either. I would like to see just a regular cadence fresh release. You could call it ladder servers or whatever, and have them release on a schedule every year or two years (or even 3). Just something scheduled and known (kind of like Diablo II/LoD, but with an actually known, scheduled cadence.

If they lead into TBC Classic or Wrath Classic, Current Progression Classic, etc. that’s fine, but they could just have the option to have regular Classic 2019 Ladder Season and at the end, you convert to Era, and they create new Ladder Season servers (or a single server - probably 2 because people will never agree on Normal vs PVP).



It would be better than nothing, but I still think they could profit from adding a fresh era during that interim as well. It would surely make less people cancel/pause their subscriptions between SOD and the next game mode. SSF HC to me, is too much of an acquired taste to keep that many subs going. The server can be as little maintenance as possible. Even if all phases are already released from day 1.

For sure. I hear lots of people talking about regular cadence cycles. I would not say no at all. The only hiccup to that is if they do eventually make a true Classic+ release. Then there would be a divide of era ladder vs plus ladder.

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This would be reasonable (yet kinda late so many months after they release self found mode).

But wasn’t the whole point of a new HC server for streamers? Would they do their reality show on a self found server?

I’d like to see this too although I can’t see it coming soon. A Classic “Vanilla” > TBC > Wrath would be good too as long as you can get off the ride and go to Era servers for each.

Really though I’ve been thinking about this too and can’t see it happening for a while and that’s all related to what it does for the devs. If they can spend 80% of their time sitting on class discords and then changing classes for their pet projects and then talking to streamers while the bugs in the game sit unfixed then that’s what they’re going to do. It’s best for the devs paycheck and ego to not release fresh and that’s all they care about. I used to have more faith and love for those guys but that’s gone, so yeah, maybe there will be a hardcore fresh. I don’t see the point in playing that though.

I’ll keep responding to these threads and agreeing regardless.

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LOL you kidding??

“FRESH” would be the REAL next big thing.


While I cannot help you with fresh, I can offer an alternative home if you’re interested in a long term raiding guild. We’ve been around for over 3 years on Grobbulus, free from the streamer hype/exodus of DD, the GDKPs of Whitemane, or the flavor of whatever that people keep chasing and bailing on.

We’re just heads down, having fun, doing our thing, and raiding content and dungeons, playing the game to have fun for the long term. Slow burn, not hype. It’s not for everyone and that’s okay too, but if you’re interested come check us out [Era] Alliance & Horde Seek Adventurers


I don’t think they want to use a regular classic fresh as a “bridge” piece. I think if they ever do it again, they will call it a “relaunch” rather than a “fresh” - if youre picking up what im puttin down

Like as much as I want fresh too, they will likely monitor how the classic progression xpacs go - they will keep pushing mop etc, but if the player retention (the most important part) is bad or even abysmal, I really can see them stopping the progression, letting people xfer their toons to retail, and doing a full relaunch

I wouldn’t mind fresh. I am having a lot of fun on era though.

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Cant see this being a thing, sod still going strong, hc is basically a constant fresh server and they have cata and retail pumping out stuff. And lets not forget that era is still decent on both whitemane and pagle clustera

SoD is not going strong lol

I know what u mean, compared to p1

Yes, fresh server with it’s own battlegroup for honor ranking plz.

how is sod 80% of its lifespan when bwl aq/ gates of aq and naxx at a minimum have to happen still now they went traditional cadence vanilla a server with same raids. if they let each one go 1 month which would never happen thtas still 4 months which is more than 20%.

I get your point, but what do you think is more plausible as the next thing - a regular Fresh reset, or Classic+?

My hope would be that if it is Classic+ coming, that we could only get literally like 2 fresh regular servers up in the meantime. 1 rppvp, 1 pve. Classic only. No xpacs.

I do. Though I’d still hope on a snowball’s chance for one. Just as Classic. Not a full cycle including tbc/wrath/cata/w.e. reset. I feel like Blizz knows the potential. They are more privy than players give them credit for - exihibit A: blocking transfers onto Deviate Delight to support the player run fresh there. Though janky player ruled old era servers are obviously not the play. We need the official server with a preemptive blue post so that it can go viral.

I see your logic in not using such a big asset as a simple bridge. As well as the other current ongoing modes… Just hoping for a scaled down fan service lol

There are dozens of us! DOZENS! I may be shouting into the abyss, but shout I will.

^ this would be nice. To not be fresh, less than tier 1 fodder for Whitemane lol

There’s 2 phases left after bwl and the only thing you are going to do after AFKing to r14 is raidlog. Yeah there’s not much left. I was also being humorous and don’t mean 80% literally (you aren’t getting new zones like hyjal or new raids like timbermaw)

nah i play 20 r14s and 10 cata characters and 10 retail chars, all afk of course thats the only way you can gear. it appears you spend more time in forum than in game…

How else are you going to gear in sod besides one day per week?

You don’t need any dungeons. You have mc gear.

Your next upgrades are bwl. Then aq. Then naxx. Then the games over.

Your only upgrades from here on out will be your tier pieces. Hardly a broad variety of “gearing methods” are left

Afk to 14 in sod or get carried by your raid for your drops. You also don’t play what you say you do so your argument looks elementary at best

Why are sod players spilling over to the classic forum? Are they angry about something?