Can we please get a clear out of inactive names?

I love Skyline Chili.

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Maybe because the word itself can be used like “crusade against crime”. Fun fact: my name is in plurals because Crusade was taken on my realm.

Well, that’s not how they do things right now. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Subject to change but losing your name for stepping away for a minute isn’t good, but nor is a name just being unavailable for like 4 years after somebody quits.

It really is quite hard to get a “good” name these days, especially on decent servers.

I love you, Tovi.

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Last names!

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Four years?

That’s ridiculous.

It should be at most a year. I personally say 6 Months, if that.

If they aren’t playing for 6 months straight then those still playing shouldn’t be forced to wait on them.

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FWIW since I think you’re a brat, some of my characters are original names, but some of my characters are references to the city I live in. I do it because it’s fun for me and I don’t play on an RP realm.

That’s how FF14 solved the issue.

First and Last names.

I’m surprised Blizzard never did this.


Prob a limitation issue in some way.

I mean technically we can all have the surname Jenkins, as someone noted above :rofl:

i would say a year and half
what if your system craped out and waited for 6 months for replacement or better upgrades parts for cheap your name would be gone

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Didnt ask, Dont care. Also didnt read.

Actually, in my country there are several people with the same real-world name. There are even several people with the same family name. In ancient Rome there was a rather small pool of names to pick from. We could have “names” that are just a long code such as t23h1j4nk2hvb6khjw4n5bl2jl2kb4 for the computers to tell us apart and we then choose a name to show above our heads.

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I mean you made a point about my supposed uncreativity so you clearly do care. I’m sorry you got your butt hurt on the internet though I guess.

TL/DR get wiped bud.

What do you think is the appropriate length of time before they remove names from the account of a player who hasn’t logged in for a while?

When they changed it to an automated release system from “Somebody drop everything and do some research for this guy who wants a name that belongs to some player who hasn’t logged in for a while”, I’d guess they used data on how often players return after a break, and how long that break is likely to be.

You have the option of choosing a different name from one that is likely extremely common. A player that comes back after a few months and finds their main’s name has been taken is likely to change their mind about resubbing. That makes them more valuable to the game than you.

If an account has not been paid for in 2-3 years, the names of the characters should become available, but they should still exist. If the player reactivates the account renaming of some character would then be necessary.

The problem is people who decide to roll a character and pick an extremely common name as the name they must have, usually a name from popular media. They can look in the armory and see there are 150 characters with that name and not recognize that they have exercised zero individuality with choosing that name. And they think they should just be able to take that name from some alt that hasn’t been played in a few weeks, because entitlement runs deep and strong.


I see your point. That would suck to come back a couple months after a break and have to rename your toon.

Right now, the fact that you just have to have an active Bnet account and not WoW account can lock up names forever if you play any other Bnet games.

Not saying anyone would or would not have this, but imagine having 8 WoW licenses full of characters, 160 per license. That’s 1,280 names and tying them up indefinitely.

The name release should be tied to the WoW license imo.

I think characters that are level 10 and under should have the names purged once per year if the account isn’t active.

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