Can we please, for the love of.. Get rid of Void Form

Because talents can be built around making it more or less viable to dump VF later. Lingering Insanity is trying to do that at the moment. Not very well, of course, but I think that with decent enough balancing there’s no reason Shadow can’t get close to the best of both worlds.

You’re a druid, and a level 60 one at that. Do you even play a priest in retail? Seems to me, you’re just trolling for the point of trolling and have nothing to add to the topic that’s constructive.

I have every class at 120, i just don’t change my forum characters.

But I like VF, and i’m not saying other people don’t, I’d just rather have options over them outright removing the play style.

I am still extremely salty about both survival and demo

I get what you are saying but, don’t you think its bad design when the core mechanic of a spec is basically entirely useless unless you talent into things for it?

Specs need to function at the baseline level. Mechanics of said spec need to function. Talents should augment or compliment the playstyle, not be required so the playstyle can even work. Temporary gimmicks such as Azerite Armor and going forward, Conduits and Soulbinds should further compliment or augment the playstyle.

But again, when the core mechanic of the class is entirely useless unless you talent into things, much less is dependent on temporary gimmicks to even function at a respectable level, then I’m sorry but the developers have failed.

Lets say the Lingering Insanity talent was buffed a bit. Lets say Chorus of Insanity was added as a talent. Sure, we could talent into both of those things to be kinda where we are now, but those 2 talent rows aren’t even a choice then as they become required. But we both know if Blizzard did that, they’d put them on the same row so we’d still be screwed. :slight_smile:


Yup. Survival was my main for well over a decade. I doubt the salt from that will ever fade.

I feel like current shadow and affliction are in the same boat, where blizzard designed these specs under the pretense of a long raid boss fight, and didn’t bother to design or test them for absolutely anything else.

Remove Void Form.

Do it, Blizzard.

At this point, take out void form or make it a buff and give shadow a weaker version of mind spike back.

Shadow was a spec no one complained about. Sure number tuning might have been an issue at various points, but people that played it liked the theme.

Then, Blizzard decided to “change it up.” They took a hacksaw to a beloved spec and gave people something that only vaguely reminded them of the old.

Know what would have been better? Making a new class built around the void and Cthulhu nonsense. But nah. Let’s make another dumb as rocks melee class for mongoloids to button mash.

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As someone who mained Shadow Priest from mid-BC until the end of Warlords… I hate what they’ve turned it into.

The Shadow rework in Legion is what made me quit this game for nearly four years. And here we are again on the cusp of a new expansion with once again our feedback being ignored.

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To be fair, orbs were way more forgiving than insanity.

And even if Shadow used to be too easy, that’s the only DPS spec they had. There was no diversity. It was very often on the lower end of the totem pole for how much DPS it did.

Maybe they saw the post. GLAD ITS Being re-worked. Thank you

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I actually really like void form…
but i hate shadow form.
I dont want to be a purple cloud full time!
bursting from my regular self into void form occasiionally would be so much more awesome.

The did was I was hoping, i must be god, all hail me!

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Since I can’t post to the other thread…

Void Form is terrible because it ruins our class balance. We are sad and pathetic the vast majority of the time while waiting for our ‘real’ DPS to kick back online. We pay a real and pronounced price for Void Form in the form of our non-VF DPS.

The full minute of ramp time is fundamentally terrible as well-you don’t even start to see what you’re actually capable of until your second, and arguably third VF rotation.

I’m fine with the themeing, I like the tentacles alright, but mechanically, it’s hot garbage unless RNG cooperates with you and gives you the gear that makes it work.

However, my luck has been to get Mastery over Haste on pieces of gear because the itemization is terrible. At least in WoD there was Clarity and I could bail on Shadow’s standard design to make use of the gear I actually had.

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I usually don’t care about cosmetics but the designer who approved that should be given a demerit. lol

I agree, Shadowform is ugly. I hate that it looks like a purple version of Pigpen of Peanuts fame.



You did it OP

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The casting animations are not that great either. Priests need an enema lol.

gimme some shadow wings!!!

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I wish there were other options for shadow besides void form. It’s an annoying and clunky mechanic.