Can we please, for the love of.. Get rid of Void Form

Hi Blizzard.

Vanilla beta priest here. You’ve changed my class about 700 times since it was introduced. Appreciate giving back some base lines though like mind soothe, that was a fun aggro spell. I digress…

Can we just get a temperature gauge on Void Form? I am curious from the priest community, as well as players alike who play shadow priests, and I am unsure you’re aware of this or not, but I feel like -nobody likes void form-. Or the massive majority. We hate it. Bring back orbs or something. I don’t want to be a tentacle c’thulu monster fill the bar , deplete the bar, fill the bar, deplete the bar… it’s not a good time.

Curious to find out, does anybody at blizzard actually play this class and think it’s fun in it’s current form?.. Please be honest. I am not trying to start a troll thread or whatever. But Shadow can go a long way if you just remove this stupid mechanic and revert to what we were in WoTLK or before. The class was more fun to play and melt faces on. It’s current design is not good. Is feedback being heard on this?

I would love to hear from other people who play priests… but I don’t think anybody is like, yes! let’s continue this… and fix this and this… it’s not appealing or fun to play.

That is all.



played a priest to 120 and didnt even notice void form to be a problem


I like void form.

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exactly the amount group think in these forums is crazy

‘shadow bad’

‘dh op’

‘bfa bad’

seems to be the only thought the sheep have now a days

If I can use it and be ok with it so can you, and I’m like the worst player in the game.

Same. I loved the simplicity of the class back then. The shadow orb change was actually a fun change. It wasn’t punishing for having to move a lot. Voidform is “cool” but the resource is garbage.


interesting start to the thread. I may be off in my feelings toward it I guess. I thought it was universally disliked. filling bars and watching them sink down in bursts and windows when you actually are viable and strong is good design? wouldnt you guys rather or prefer to just be baseline viable good without this stupid “insanity” mechanic?.. and just call it Shadowform?.. idk just an idea.

maybe make void form equivilent to like combustion or something instead.

Every class builds a resource and spends it. You asked for orbs back as though they didn’t abide by the same structure.

Priests then were just affliction locks who didn’t have to pay mind to pet/soul shard management. You weren’t half as punished for letting your dots fall off as warlocks were for letting agony expire either. The whole thing was just too easy.

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affliction locks aren’t even affliction locks any more so I feel like there’s a ‘void’ we could fill now by reverting it. lol. The rotation for affliction is like 11-12 keys it’s pretty ridiculous. and I am not sure too easy is bad design. BM and DH’s come to mind and they’re both very popular classes and specs.

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I have no idea what the purported purpose of void form is. It destroys all transmorgs while adding additional damage that ought to be part of the core spec.


Just allow a talent out of it



it was added for class fantasy but the change knocked the class on it’s behind in terms of fun. and it was never looked at. The fantasy didnt fit for me and it made my first real toon that I invested sooo much time in to un-fun. I never envisioned the priest class to be an insanity driven madness c’thulu tentacle class. I have no idea where that concept even came from. Maybe all to wield and the whisperings of Xal’atath but the artifact is gone now. so what gives? why are we still insane tenticle monsters in spurts… surrender to madness all that nonsense. never aligned with my class fantasy of Shadow. it was this big leap that changed the class and they didn’t really do anything for priests who don’t like it. It was a major re-design.


It’s a fun playstyle IMO

You try your damnedest to stay in it for a long as possible and that’s enjoyable to me, fighting against time.

Primarily in politics what I like to call the plunge protection team likes to derail a narrative in forums within the first few posts because most people don’t read an entire thread. I personally think this exists in Wow. IMHO.

Nobody likes voidform. Everybody I’ve talked to has had a similar experience as mine. Me, I mained my shadow priest since I first started playing wow back in 2006. No matter how bad it got I kept him as my main.

I finally gave up in BFA. I rarely play him anymore and that says a lot. I can’t stand it, puke. I bet if we could look at statistics across the whole of wow we’d find similar results. It is zero fun to play and frustrating to the point of snarling derision upon those who implemented it and double down on keeping it.

Then again the folks driving the direction of wow seem to like putting a lot of stuff in place that loyal players (for years) have told them is a huge mistake. Double down by all means till we consolidate down to three medium population servers in wow. No sense in doing anything reasonable.


Voidform sucks.

Shadowpriest should not be about the ‘void’.

Im with the op.


I mean, they can name it whatever they want, just don’t remove the play style.

People do like it though, which is why it shouldn’t be FULLY removed, just allow an out so people who don’t like it don’t have to use it.

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rofl @ that video actually laughed out loud. HOW DARE YOU HAMMERDAN

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I don’t know, Shadow as a spec has evolved with the game.

Shadow in the early days were all about witchcraft and sorcery, similar to an affliction Warlock.

Now today, Shadow is about unleashing the horrific terrors of the Void to annihilate enemies.

If you ask me, Shadow spec is fine just the way it is. Voidform being temporary is fine. It doesn’t take long to generate 60 Insanity if you’re running Legacy of the Void, or have two ways to activate Voidform with Dark Ascension.

You can maintain it for at least a minute if you play your cards right.

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I concur, but I highly doubt it will happen.

Ion promised to listen to feedback, and the overwhelming majority appear to dislike Voidform.

I would like to at least hear from the team that Shadow isn’t going to change, then at least, I can just move on my with Shadow Life and focus on another spec.

Sadly, I don’t play ALTS so I’m stuck with w/e Blizzard gives me as a priest.