Can we please clean up trade chat?

It’d be sweet if Blizz added a way to filter words selected by the player :+1: Instead of trying to keep up with new vulgar terms society comes up with just give players the ability to add what they find off putting or offensive

Mine is /leave 2.

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How do you sell your wares traveler?

I don’t ever have wares to sell anyone would want.

Use the game feature that is provided for that. My main guild has had a whole bunch of people joining from that, because they can use the feature to search by various criteria and make a decision based on that, rather than on some ramble in chat.


The other things, perhaps use General and turn off Trade. While some people talk crap in both channels, its less likely proportionately in General. And if you use BadBoy and put in the most common words used, it helps a lot.

I’m curious to know how often items will be used for trade instead of the AH though. Irregardless if trade is a cesspool, I see it used rarely for actually trading. Everybody uses the AH.

What’s the point of even having a trade channel? It’s not like it used to be in classic. At all.

It’s used to trade opinion these days.

Don’t take the bait
Don’t stay in the capital cities
/leave 2 if you must

It’s a far cry from it’s original purpose, but I’ve always thought of Trade as essentially “player to player advertisement”. Selling mount runs and carries, pugging, that sort of thing. That’s how everyone was using it back in Wrath at least, which is when I played the most often. Now it seems to be a mix of that, and politics. More likely I just blocked the political portion of that channel out of my memory and only remember the add part from Wrath.

That’s my point though. It’s barely used for anything these days.

The ones who are complaining the most about political garbage in trade are the ones who are trying to sell mount runs before SL launches.

Then it would just be a dedicated channel for people to sell carries because that is the only thing people try to sell anymore outside of the AH.

If they could do anything about trade chat they’d have done it years ago.

Just be glad they’re finally moderating the forums. Locking down threads here pretty quick. It is nice.

Personally, I’d prefer it to stay in Trade Chat. I feel it spreading to LFG as being more of a problem. I’m looking for people to play the game with there, not for Toxic Tessie spewing about how she feels a certain candidate was sent from God himself and I should be piked to death for not agreeing.

It got so bad Blizzard had no choice but to put an end to it.

I read this as “barely used for bullying” and I was very confused why the OP was concerned about this. lol.

I escaped Trade chat a very long time ago. My mental health thanks me everyday for it. Same can be said about me leaving social media. A healthy food diet is just as important as a healthy mental diet.

na man i disagree. keep it dirty. unfiltered.
i just prefer free speech
to be fair i get it, its annoying to see anal jokes but id rather have that then random bans.