I think anyone who has ever used the in game trade chat is well aware that it’s, unfortunately, barely used for buying and selling items or services. It’s devolved entirely on most servers to people arguing about politics and insulting each other, and this has been extremely consistent even prior to the recent US election. I myself don’t understand why so many people are interested in paying monthly for a game just to sit at a major city and argue about politics with strangers on the internet, but since there are apparently a ridiculous amount of people that want to do exactly that, can we give them their own chat channel? Could be called “Off Topic”, “OOC”, etc. Just an outlet for chat in general that has nothing to do with the game so that those of us who want to, you know…trade…can actually find buyers and sellers in the chat.
/leave chat 2
I’m well aware you can leave the chat, that doesn’t fix anything. The “Trade” chat should be for in game trading as intended, not political arguments.
See the blue comments here:
as much as i agree with you that trade chat is awful, gotta agree with dathroot here. There’s no saving that dumpster fire at this point.
It’s the time of year. Around Christmas there will be religion chats, during sales there will be chats about communism.
As a player you can’t do anything but report the people spamming, I suggest just leaving the channel. Unless you don’t want to use the AH I’m not sure what you need to even use /2 for.
Give it a few weeks and people will get over it and go back to grumbling or not caring.
You can try using BadBoy with the CCleaner addon to filter out messages containing certain words.
Either leave the area, leave trade chat, or use an addon to filter your chats. It’ll be like this around the holidays, elections, etc.
Hey… no.
People don’t like solving the problem themselves, so they want daddy Blizz to do it.
Unless you don’t want to use the AH I’m not sure what you need to even use /2 for.
For everything you can’t do with the auction house. Guild recruitment, mount runs, looking for someone with a profession to create something that isn’t listed on the AH, pugging specific people if your a few members short on a raid…you know, in game reasons to use the chat.
No. The politics chat lets me know that actual people play this game, not just bots selling gold and dungeon runs.
Guild Recruitment shouldn’t be in /2, it’s for buying and selling.
Pugging isn’t for /2 either, it’s for buying and selling.
Not sure why you are complaining about other people misusing /2 when you are doing the same.
It’s like a general off topic chat channel. Games need that kind of thing. People like to socialize. If anything it should be global. Heavy handed moderating just kills the ability to talk freely, which is kind of important to me.
There are a few things that need to be taken seriously.
Blatant Racism [slurs, etc]
Recurring Harassment [circumventing ignore, etc]
IRL Threats & Doxing [whether or not there’s reason to believe it’s legitimate]
That’s basically it. If it’s not one of those things, let people be. Everything else that’s bad enough for people to care can be caught by the mass reports that will get submitted on someone.
Better those than politics. I think you see the point and understand it, but prefer being contrarian for the sake of it.
If we’re doing this then we need to issue out silences for people who post in the wrong channel because people come into /4 LookingForGroup to talk about politics, advertise their guilds and try to sell stuff as well. So I will only be in support of this change if we have iron fist rules
All you can do is report/ ignore and/ or leave channel. Not sure what else you want from Blizzard here. They gave you the tools,use them.
I see your point, I understand your point, I just don’t agree with it.
Other people have told you what to do by Blizzard’s endorsed instruction, I’ve given you a solution to the problem.
The only thing you have said you wanted to use /2 for that makes sense is finding crafters to make you things.
/4 and /1 exist as well, I suggest you use them more.
But trade is for none of that🤔