Can We Open Up the Warglaives of Azzinoth for T-Mog?

ROFLMAO not every damn player with a Blood Elf is some High Elf fanboi. Those people are whacked out obsessed and I can’t stand them.

Way to just make up some rando BS. :rofl::rofl:

I couldn’t give a crap about High Elfs and never asked for that stuff. They’re all nuts and toxic crybabies. Keep going and you’ll fit right in. :rofl:

Don’t deny that you are part of that community when you have done lots of posting in these two threads where you have clearly been arguing in support of the 5 new hair colors coming to velves.

If anything you are just as “whacked out” as the rest of them given your inability to have a civilized discussion.


Dude WTF. Did you even read my posts? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

My posts are telling people to get over it and I gave a plausible reason why the hair colors exist. Because they ain’t going anywhere. I never once begged for anything and hate the High Elf crazies.

So you show me where I begged for anything because you ain’t got a leg to stand on here. ROFL

Would be nice. Give DH a new HD model like Hand of Rag got and let everyone else Mog the old one.

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You gave plausible reasons for the hair colors so therefore that means you are part of the pro crowd. And in those threads you were acting very uncivilized to people similar to how others in the pro HE community act.

Not every class has the ability to use these swords though.

ROFLMAO no it doesn’t. Find me in any one of those High Elf fanboi crazy threads. Go ahead. Just try.

You’ve got some pretty stupid logic of you think me posting in two threads to troll Tahonto’s tantrums makes me one of those whack job High Elfs. :rofl:

And yeh, this post makes me a High Elf crazy, right? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Still waiting on you linking posts where I begged for things! Come on dude!

Can you tell me where in this thread did I beg for something?

In those 2 threads I linked, you are clearly lending support to a community that has for years been asking for something and have been told no multiple times but eventually got what they wanted.

What weapon does every other class get just for them?

Like, should shadowmourne be changed so only dks can transmog it? Should sulfuras be changed for only warriors?

Weird argument is weird


This forum is full of “WHY CAN’T WE HAVE THIS” just like this one is. Good job pointing out again how bad you are at this. First you call my post ironic and you can’t back it up, then you try to claim “GuIlTy BeCaUsE yOu PoStEd In TwO tHrEaDs” and now still can’t prove your comment. :rofl:

You’re done. Bye.


L2read. :rofl:

Gee, it’s almost as though the forums are a venue of providing feedback to Blizzard. Hence why threads like this exist.

Regardless of whether or not you agree with me, I appreciate you continuing to post on here as it helps keep the thread on the front page.

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Warriors back then, masters of all physical combat and martial weapons.

Warriors now, not know how to hold strange long sword or funny one string harp.


It’s almost as if you can’t stand being wrong about dumb comments you make. ROFLMAO

  1. Not irony, because you can’t find one post where I’ve begged for something and
  2. Not a High Elf crazed fanboi which was proven but you keep trying to whine about it

Good luck with your delusions dude! I’m muting this and you.

I am not wrong because that is literally what the forums are meant for genius.

  1. Yes irony, because I brought up a time where you provided support to a community who has begged for something.
  2. Claims not to be a crazy HE supporter yet has acted just like one thoughout the thread.

Farewell, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. :wave:

Nope! Make a Dh and play one if you wanna use them. Were actually a very fun class. We had to work very hard to transmog them, first farming both on one char - then killing TW Illidan which was a long raid.

I can technically get them out of my bank and equip them currently.

Funny because all of that “hard work” wouldn’t be taken away from you given that the cosmetic appearance you get was altered slightly as was highlighted in my OP.

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Just gotta ignore all the NPCs that aren’t restrained by Blizzard’s decision, like Night Elf sentinels, Troll shadow hunters, various demon races, trainees and guardians in Bastion, Stoneborne in Revendreth, pretty sure there’s a Human who uses them tucked away somewhere as well.

All things considered, Warglaives have only been a Demon Hunter thing for a fraction of the time they’ve been used by any other force, since Demon Hunters have only been around for like 12-15 years or so.


Actually, your wrong lore-wise. The way they work is they are created via the DH and the demon. The are powered by Illidan’s will persay. When you killed him, they deactivated. In the raid where you revive Illidan after killing Gul’dan, Illidan shows up with the warglaives of azzinoth alongside the other npcs. After this, its unclear what happened because we see him with new flame green variants. It’s theorized they “evolved” after he revived and regained his strength.

As for why dh’s got them, its because of time travel shenanigans with Chromie’s help. They only work for us lore-wise because the demon within powers them, non-demon possessed people can’t.

What you have is a gameplay element feature, non-canon.

Can I get a source on this? Because as I understand it, Illidan took the Warglaives of Azzinoth from a demon named guess who, Azzinoth. There is no lore that states that warglaives are created between DH’s and demons. We have literally seen them in places where Demon Hunters and demons are no where to be found at all.

This is just another example of an NPC mysteriously gaining a weapon that was and still is lootable by players without any explanation. Gorehowl is another example of that.

Regardless, lore isn’t and has never been a restriction for transmog.


Correct, he killed Azzinoth and took his warglaives. But when he reappeared on top of the tower in Legion, he suddenly had them in his hands again - meaning they are bound to him and can make it come back to him as he desires out of thin air.