Can we nerf warriors already

i was having fun on my warrior before the buff, now everyone is a warrior while they are OP and I lose interest in playing them.

but you’re 14OO on assassination rogue with 5O% win ratio… stop pretending you’re anything above that. lol

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Where do you see this data I would like to link it please

The most fried take in this entire forum


it literally doesnt, unless u accidentally pop bladestorm at the exact same time as disarm or slightly before, it doesnt work the same was as breaking stuns .2s after with bladestorm

GOOD warlocks are the single hardest class to kill in the game… what are u smoking. lmao

Warriors are pretty notorious for being extremely killable. Even with the mild defensive buff that gave us ignore pain. They are one of the most first blooded classes in SS.
They also have to worry about line of sighting their healer or enemy casts, because eating caster damage mid field as a warrior, or zugging alone behind a pillar with a DPS and a healer will get you killed. It’s not like you can melee attack people at range through a pillar.
You could even argue that positioning is far less lenient for warrior who is at the mercy of where their target is, having such limited ranged options. Compared to a ranged class that can stand mid field and hit anyone anywhere. If you want to chase around a pillar for a kill, you have a wealth of instant casts or channeled abilities that will literally continue to do damage regardless of LoS.

ohh no not my virtual points on an alt i play with irls on. Youre life has to suck if your obseessed with virtual points and you’ve only managed one glad in 10 years. Especially in a hyper inflated 1 shot meta season so realistically you were 2100 at best that season without inflation. :nauseated_face:

That seems preferable to having not managed any. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Getting glad is irrelevant when less than 10% of over 4-5 million subs play pvp and you can literally buy it with irl money. To put it into perspective on how much no body cares barely 13k people have 1.8k in 2s last time i checked and i guarantee that numbers a lot smaller for 3s. Id rather play a game for money than play one and obsess over a meaningless number. Let me put im wow glad in my tinder bio real quick so i can get 0 matches.

It’s a cool dragon, though. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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So if i go farm a super rare drop, pve mount, or buy a store mount i can bash everyone for not putting in the time to go and farm/earn/or have enough money to buy it? Thats the same concept of people achieving x rating and saying ha you dont have x reward from said rating.

Apples and oranges.

Uh huh Im following so far

Wait I’m confused whose obsessed with fake internet points?




its on his cod account

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Yea he can’t link it though, he will get kicked from his 5million dollar team. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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imagine letting a cod player get another duelist before you after you’ve been playing for over a decade and still havent hit it :nauseated_face:

Your Rogue really is doing well though…almost breaking that 1500 :rofl:

yea climbings tough when you play a game and then afk or leave before round one of the next game starts