Can we nerf warriors already

Bladestorm wants a word with you

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can’t bladestorm while disarmed.

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You literally can lol it breaks it

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No (in bugs bunny meme)

honestly feel like everything is balanced around warriors and I hate it
not articulate enough to explain so don’t ask

Crazy almost like disc isnt one of the most overtuned healers and spriest one of the best casters in the game which has more rep at 2100+ and 2400+ than arms. Sounds like a l2p issue.

Whats next on the zug train.

me i hope
ive already started practicing in the mirror

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Warriors common go to
 “but but but warriors are lacking in the top 1%”

Meanwhile RSS all brackets is riddled with double warriors because both specs are brain dead and require a two button damage rotation and to tunnel to be successful.

SoUnDs LiKe A lRn To PlAy IsSuE
 ugh just no words
 your comments are a good reflection on your class.

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You guys just keep running around in circles screaming “nerf this”. Bunch of Dva mains in here.


So because a class is popular it must be nerfed? Is this is argument your trying to use? So you say the common argument is it’s not a class that is performing well at the high end, but want it nerfed due to popularity at the mid-low end? So that it’s just what the next enh shaman?

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Casters wont be pleased until every melee class is a stationary target dummy that if they CC a critter near by then nuke the target dummy 5 times they get free rating/conquest and a pop up on screen saying “You’re the best wizard ever!”

It’s amazing how strong casters are, but they still find any melee able to compete against them and cry until they’re obliterated.

I’ll take any Warrior over the zugzug that is Rogue.

It’s the fact that they’re unpunishable for playing like morons. They have 99% uptime and never have to line anything while unkillable.


What, warlocks?

I agree. Super strong defensives, tons of instant cast damage.

At higher rating Warlocks are the squishiests class in the game besides Boomkin. Especially casters Mage/Ele/Spriest with equal skill should always outlive any Lock.

Lol, nah

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Data shows Warlocks die faster and more often than every other class in the game. In AWC and on ladder.

Warlocks die? Fast?

Nerf Melee into the ground