Spacerat is one of the best players in ANZ and seems to do just fine. More players is a better PvP community for everyone.
exactly. they cried for the de-merge, quit, and then left oce in shambles
clearly you either dont PvP, or dont PvP on OCE… otherwise i have no answer for how spastic you are…
This is exactly it !
Having it as a choice or a conditional search based on your rank would be plausible, and I’d be fine with that.
I honestly don’t particularly care whether higher ranked players stick around in the community or not, though. In real life good players are traded around different teams and countries - they play for themselves and not the community at the end of the day.
Not a compelling reason to forcibly subject other players to sub-par playing conditions, in my opinion.
Dude youre missing the point. This isint REAL LIFE its a COMMUNITY driven mmorpg video game
That’s cool, their needs are not yours.
This is a social game, not an actual career.
he’s lost the plot
Hopefully with PTR up, we can get a post about this soon? Even AV weekend had some 20 min queues on Friday. Was crazy.
I think you missed my point. Why should I sacrifice my game experience so that somebody I don’t care about can have a better experience? They have the option to transfer to US servers if it’s that important to them.
I meant that in the sense that these other players need to decide what’s more important to them: community or competitive play. As you said, Oce is a smaller pool so they’re often mutually exclusively. Again, I don’t find it compelling to sacrifice my experience so other people can have their cake and eat it, too.
So you want a singleplayer game?
what game experience did you talk about? your two high-quality PVP games?
Moving to US servers means OCE players need to give up raiding and community building. We want to talk about Centrelink, not food stamps.
Allowing OCE to connect to US for PVP means we keep our community, raiding scheme, and able to PVP.
Just a reminder, the system does match locally first then it searches for global matches. nothing is taken away from OCE players. If enough people are queueing then we can still play local.
No downside, only positive change.
Eugh, people keep harping so disingenuously on that comment. I did not literally say “I only play two games per week”.
I do too. But as others have already posted, any Oce gamer should know we have an extremely small community compared to the US.
I made a decision to roll Oce because I value my connectivity and server culture over being able to play with more people. Others had that same choice. If they now regret that decision, why should I have to pay for it?
Except when it starts pushing people into US queues because you’ve been waiting “too long”. I prefer to wait a few extra minutes and have a game with a better connection than be rushed into a game I may not even be able to meaningfully participate in.
This will probably be my last post in this thread. I understand why people want to play with US servers for PvP, I just contend that this is a selfish decision that negatively impacts other players like me because the people who want this lacked the foresight to roll US in the very beginning. It doesn’t actually feel like anybody in this thread even wants to consider that somebody might have a different opinion to them.
People demanding a system solution to a player-created problem, as they so frequently do in this community.
Edit: a choice when you enter a queue to cross-realm with US servers might be an appropriate compromise.
When was the last time you queued and for how long for may I ask?
You’re the only person in here speaking against this =/
Hi team, as the season is coming to an end I wanted to check on this again. Would this be possible at all?
please save OCE and merge PVP (arena and BGs) to USA servers
Having one last crack at this since the launch is now set - can we please merge PvP in with the US? <3
by doing this US would get higher ping right ?
no, just us… worth it though (: