Can we maybe see Metzen in a hype video or anything?

It’s probably just time to take a little break from the game, man.

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But I just can’t okay!

So Metzen has zero say in anything, no power, and is just there in name to help them draw in the cash?

He seemed to be struggling to hype up the crowd at last years blizcon.

Especially with them announcing 3 xpacs at once

Or anoucing rock dorfs

I might be overstating this somehow, but I don’t think you have any idea how excited people are that he’s back and leading the charge for this new story. And that blizzcon was like a rockstar welcome from what I heard.

Seeing past blizcons with metzen and comparing them to the last one, there is a huge difference. You could see him struggle to hype up the crowd

i mean to be fair…aint no one gonna be able to save the blizzcon after that ginourmous ooof.

I would say that from the zones, world building, and questing experience, i feel wow has gotten back on track.

I didnt feel it in shadowlands.
I didnt feel it in dragonflight.
But i feel it in tww.

But you did also say last 3 expansions and i did really like bfa even with its azerite baggage holding it down.
So make of that what you will.


Dude looked happy to be there. I dunno what video you were watching.

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Dragonflight wasn’t terrible it just didn’t quite have ‘it.’ But it did lay a lot of important groundwork for a better WoW imo. BfA was good at the end in a way, but even that did lack a bit of that magic. I was mostly excited to be fighting N’Zoth really.

Yeah dragonflight was kinda… i dont know how to describe it.
Yes things were happening but i also just didnt care.
It felt like a side plot to a side plot XD

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You can use a catch-all, but there’s a reason that language provides distinction…

I get lumping designers, coders, testers, and artists together as “devs.”

But project managers, executive producers, game directors, chief story architect? No, those are not devs they are “managers.”

Cling to your “catch-all means everything” if you want. Language is adaptive so if the majority assume a word means something, it gets incorporated into the common dictionary definitions. I’d expect to see those manager roles also listed among the current roles in the definition for a game dev, if your assertion were true.

Those are called “suits”. And they don’t get nearly the amount of vitriol they deserve.

It’s 2024, you can openly declare your attraction to him, it’s fine.

Oh goodie, so when they are “terrible” everyone can pretend they aren’t because “Metzen” wrote them.

Now the thread is getting to the root of the matter.

Don’t worry he is back. He is slated for next three expansion

Get pumped for next 3 horde dominance expansions.

Good, maybe he can write the horde a leader that is not insane. :smiley:

Or maybe make Anduin into Manduin.

Yeah, i agree, He has the funds to build a bridge, he really should get over his issues already and get back to doing his job.

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But where would he build a bridge to?

They are at Gamescon according to what I found jsut a short bit ago that there will be a presentation of Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred and WoW TWW so, maybe something we don’t know about just yet but pretty sure the ship has sailed on that.

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