Can we maybe see Metzen in a hype video or anything?

I know I’m a nobody, but I tend to think if Metzen came out in some marketing or advertising, or even any of the upcoming videos it may help.

You know as a big ol’ break the glass on the boat moment and send this baby into overdrive as it gets launched?

But if not then nvm it’s cool

Help with what?
Everyone already knows he’s writing the next 3 expansions


But I need to feel hope. I’ve lost hope after these last three expansions that the magic spark is gone and I want to believe again! There’s been a little special something that has been missing in WoW for years and you can feel it.

Or I just want to be hyped up again, and see the masses hyped up, and then see the servers break!

Lightstrider are you with me? ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT ERA OF WOW!?!!

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Just watch him on videos of BlizzCon asking, “where are my Horde players?”
All the hype you ever need.


Maybe you should take a break


Just like a 2 second clip of him yelling FOR THE HORDE!

Everybody would freak out.


I can’t we’re 2 days + out, can’t quit now the fight is just beginning champion!

Why? He’s just another overhyped developer who will never deliver on any of the things your fevered worshipping conjures up. Rose tinted glasses and dev pedestals always end in disappointment.


Given how people are already eager to insult his writing ( called it ) , he’d at least make good rage bait to drive engagement from the angry dumb dumbs

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I dare you to watch this and just say overhyped devloper! He even drinks mountain dew like us! One of us, one of us, one of us!!!

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Tell me you don’t know who Chris Metzen is without telling me you don’t know who Chris Metzen is.

Hint: He’s not a developer.


“Developer” is a catch all. Writers, animators, coders are all “developers”

He’s an overhyped hack, deal with it.

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So you’re going to double down on being wrong, gotcha.

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Your lack of intelligence isn’t my problem. Dunno what to tell ya.

It’s okay the Panda just doesn’t know, but he will! In time my Dwarf friend he will see the way.

I’m not the one redefining words to try and dig myself out of a hole.

Noone redefined anything. Not my problem you don’t understand how a catch all term works.

I insulted your soy bae. Again, deal with it.

You’re the one who called Metzen a developer and then redefined the word so broadly that it could apply to anyone who has ever touched a computer.

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It’s anyone involved in developing a game. Again, it’s only your limited cognitive abilities that are being stretched. The dictionary definition of a game developer hasn’t applied in decades. Something goes wrong with a game, it’s blamed on "the devs’. Not the writer, not the animator, not the backend coding guy, just “the devs”.

Edit: Well, would you look at that. “Overseeing”. He’s a consultant, not a writer. I guess you’re right, he’s not a developer. He’s an over-priced “idea man”. lol

he isnt writing, he is overseeing, which means nothing. The projects are not in his hands, it was just a financial move he be brought back.