Can we make Ony head changable at Booty Bay vendor?

Similar to past phases with a multi turn in item. Say for instance if I wanted the tank trinket over the dps necklace. I could just head to booty bay, pay like 100g or whatever and switch from neck to trinket.


why do you feel entitled to 3 epic items? :expressionless: you just get 1. pick carefully.

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I want the possibility to switch, not have them all at once. Also, if were adding gold into the picture as far as payment for switching, I don’t see the problem. Sometimes peoples roles switch from dps to tank in guilds.

So when you switch to a tank your guild requires you get that item? Or can you tank without it? Huh i wonder if theres other options

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Ony trinket is bis for rogue tanks in particular, so if switching from rogue dps to tank, yes it would be a pretty huge upgrade. Your mention of guild requiring me to get an item is irrelevant.

With season of discovery, there has been opportunities to remove options of a one time choice or your out of luck. There has also been improvements like the BFD trinkets for example where you can go to the booty bay vendor to switch out.


I felt the same way about the ZG trinkets in era. I’m like, I’m a healer, I need the healer trinket…

But that armor in pvp… phew :sweat:.

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Oh for sure! I feel with SoD, Eye Of Hakkar, Ony head, etc. should be available to switch from a vendor after a selection is made because these items are so huge and our class spec’s can change throughout SoD experience.

yeah, difficult choices :expressionless: god forbid

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All classes have viable specs in SoD compared to Era, so an ele shaman who is looking to switch to enhance, heal or tank may need a different Ony head/Eye of Hakkar/Head of Nef down the line. You pay ~200 gold or whatever price blizzard decides is fair, and you can switch.

With BWL on the horizon as well, who knows what items will be improved/changed and MC bis items that carry over may change.

I totally understand the feeling of wanting to keep the game the same as Era where your choice is final and there is no going back. But with SoD, my experience is you never know what to expect as far as item upgrades/runes and best classes/specs for the phase. Things are ever changing.

If its BiS get the tank trinket and live with blackhands breadth I suppose?


The devs had a massive win making the lvl 50 class quest give all the items. With dual spec and more viable ways of playing being available now, all the items for the Ony quest should be made available. If this is meant to be a short and experimental season, then just let people get all the items.


As I’ve primarily been tanking on my rogue this phase, I really wish I had the possibility to switch even if having to pay 200g or having only a once a month or once a time option to switch.

Its a real bummer how big the trinket is for rogue tanks and I regret not choosing trinket the first time though at the time, I was mainly dps.

Please do this i became OT and this is BIS trinket for me but because i got the neck i can’t have it anymore

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Same here , would love to swap the neck for the trinket

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2 months later …

Look at all the cute sock puppets bumping a necroed thread. Couldn’t possibly be the same person.

Naw dude its bis for rogue tanks so people have the same feeling as I. Yes I did have to resurrect this thread though lol.




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And Aggrend explicitly said that was a mistake and they don’t intend to do that again.

You don’t need “bis” to tank. You can tank 100% perfectly fine without having that one “bis” option.

Thread over. Shoo.

In phase 4, the balance druid wanted the hit (with FR) from the Onyxia blood talisman. In phase 5, they want the Onyxia SP crit ring. There’s an example for you lol.

Either way, I don’t think anyone would really care if you could swap the item or at least pay a high gold price (100-200g for example) for another one. With duel spec in SoD, it makes it even better for people to swap specs/gear to fill in needed roles. People that bring up classic era related reactions to change requests in SoD are very tiring to see for me personally. But whatever, everyone is entitled to an opinion.


these are retail solutions for retail problems
boohoo if you missed out on an epic item from an epic quest
you can get a new item elsewhere :expressionless: