Can we make Ony head changable at Booty Bay vendor?

What the heck? This is a seasonal server, not classic. Plenty of retail stuff have been pumped in. As the poster already referenced, they did the same thing with phase 1 BFD trinkets, so it would be the same thing for the ony head items.

Got anything else?

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Easy fix to make this change done in 5 minutes

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I really hope they do this. H3 BiS for Balance druids was the tanking trinket. Dumb, I know. Now the ring is also BiS for P5. Game needs another gold sink anyways.


Thanks for all the support homies! Glad to see a lot of people are in agreement that this should be something implemented.

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I feel for the rogue tanks who picked the neck before they took on the tank role. Really not a rogue player, but you guys did get screwed. I feel like it would be fine to not let you switch if they would’ve made a decent trinket instead that you guys could’ve got from the new boss of DFC or something. Doesn’t have to be as good as the ony head one, but at least something.

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Subscription fees still being charged and devs are silent rofl

As a rogue who is now tanking for his guild it really sucks that the only tank trinket is the Ony quest reward, and if you didn’t take it you don’t have anything else.

Devs have AFK at their irl jobs unfortunately

Was hoping some of the ZG gear would get changed to be good for tanking rogues too, pretty much same deal with giving bonus to chance to block with the shield…come on blizz

Yeah currently the Onyxia trinket is the only tank trinket really available to rogues out of the 5 trinkets I would say are “tank” trinkets.

Heart of Hakkar is kind of a tank trinket, but most rogues pop it and evasion so that they don’t get hit and get 120attack power for 20 seconds.

Styleen’s is a block trinket

Brooch of the Broodmother is a block trinket

Essence of the Pure Flame requires you to get hit so does not work well for tank rogues as we parry/dodge most stuff so the effect doesn’t activate as much.

That leaves just Onyxia trinket left, and if you weren’t tanking at the time and didn’t grab it you have no alternative.

Blizz is popping new phases every 6 weeks but can’t address this?

Provides more avoidance than the Onyxia trinket

Don’t need defense cap on a Rogue (Rogues are immune to crits regardless)

nono thats far to much coding, but heres 75g for void pearl

This is what I want for next phase, more than aq

Dear blizzard,

all I want for xmas is the trinket

You can same as alawys level another toon if its that good

Yea yeah yes

What a delicious idea

Do blue post’s even exist