Can we kill hunter melee weaving please or make it based off ranged wep dam

I host pug runs on my alts, just a simple MS > OS I have rets and warriors rolling against hunters for epic 2h now because it’s technically their BiS. Lets just say I’ve seen some arguments and fighting because of this

melee hunters think they are important. it’s cute :expressionless:

Only 2h they should be rolling on is the trident


Yeh it’s lame

Oh no a class has an item that other classes also want. THE HORROR.


Guess all those request to nerf BM hurt when it shifts people to other specs like 2h melee.


Give it to the Warrior and then watch the Hunter get laughed at if they call you out for it in general. Such absolute degen behavior for a Hunter to take that.

At least the Hunter behavior is extremely Classic lol. I still remember losing Brutality Blade to a Hunter :slightly_smiling_face:

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Weaving hunters should probably take a backseat to the warrior.
Dedicated melee hunters should probably get the same chance to roll for it as the warrior.


I’ve read where folks roll need when the gear in question is not an upgrade and that it’s supposed to be okay if they do because greed and selfishness is a valid reason to need. I can’t see arguing about a roll anymore. The meta has changed. If you lose the roll, move on.

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The only way to kill melee weaving is to add more shots worth using.

Flank strike with the epic 2h, actually hits quite hard, and with survival spec, I can see a hunter hits as hard as a ret pala. Not saying it’s a Ms for hunter, but it is something good for a hunter.
But I think unless the hunter is 80% melee during the raid, otherwise it is still an os.
Like I always ask my guildies warriors to roll need on the 2h if it drops, and I will ask for an os roll for myself

Guys, its literally just a bait thread.

This is the same mind behind such glorious threads as:


And if you navigate to this person’s post activity, it’s literally just dozens of attempts, few successful and most failures, at putting their thumb down on a hot button issue so they can get a bunch of people raging at each other over it lmao.