Can we keep transmog in Vanilla?



Comes by with a mop as he begins to push the mouth foam from the main walkway.

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You can’t keep something that was never in Vanilla.

And why necro a thread with a different subject?

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there’s a wee bit of a workaround idea for it but not for museum classic, more for a classic enhanced, separate from normal classic.

it works thusly: all classes get a 4th spec that has talents for a new school of magic/ melee AND that can elect to put a talent point into a form. the form goes along thematically with the 4th spec.

example forms (since its vanilla, there are no belfs, no draenei, no worgen, no goblins, etc) are based on the idea that chromie has mussed up the timeline, or left the temporal discombobulator out and someone has dialed it to alternate classic. the people on alternate/enhanced classic know they are on a different timeline, whereas the people on museum classic have been mind wiped and have no idea they already been there done that. as a result, races you’ve already encountered can be rolled into the 4th spec forms.

for example. these are all forms you can put a talent point into in your 4th spec, if you’re playing that class.

dryads and keepers of the glade = druid (fae magic).
belf blue/red = mages (wizardry).
worgen/saberon = hunter (savagery).
goblin/gnome = rogues (ninja).
lich or banshee = warlock (necromancy)
naga/ethereals = priest (mind control)
zandalari = shaman (bard)
taunka/vrykul = warrior (beserker)
draenei = paladin (templar)

so though you can’t fine tune your character’s appearance without a form, you could opt to to play a class that has one of the forms you like

if that makes sense

Cannot “keep” what was never there in the first place. Transmog, which did not enter the game until much later, would have to be “added,” not “kept.”

Why in the world did this thread need to be necro’d? It should have stayed in the abyss that it had fallen to.

transmog does NOT need to be in this, neither does updated graphics.

I love Transmog, the gear in Vanilla is butt ugly (Boots especially) . Anyone who hates the idea are same hipsters who think “everything sounds better on vinyl maaaan” Just because you say you like the original graphics does not make you cool. I say use the new character models too, as long as the core gameplay stays true better graphic choices is a bonus. But go ahead nerds, keep trying to be sooo cool by hating on thing that look better.


Didnt know you worked for Blizzard, shut up and get some transmog in here.

Nah. Everyone should be fine looking like trash for a while.

You’re wearing a fedora. Aren’t you?

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This is right up there with one of the things that would change how people interacted with each other, and if you don’t know why, then Classic isn’t for you, my friend.

uhh yeah no
 when people see ur in epics they give respect

What if all Transmog was BOP?

I’m not sure what you are asking

but the only way transmog is carried forward is by if it was a quest reward OR if you kept the gear in the bank to be equipped later

I dont see what issue with xmog in classic would be.

I don’t think transmorg in itself is a game maker or breaker, but I’ve mever been a fan of it simply because it feels very gimmicky.