Can we keep the current paladin talent tree next patch pls?

I get ya, I guess its true a lot of folks might not ever use it. I use it with recompense for a nice beefy Eternal Flame lol, I guess having it set and forget isnt the worst.

I also just noticed this is an actual talent on the PRT and not just a new passive, so all my issues with it are unfounded in the end LMFAO


100% agree. I assume it will be under the general Paladin tree, so maybe it’s something Ret players should be taking since they hardly ever use it haha. I typically walk out of runs with 10-12 Sac uses, but I know there are even more times I could have.

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Reread the notes : hoj is 45 sec cd baseline and 30 with fist. Judgment cdr and 10% damage are buffed baseline. Spell bop should still be in the game, they just messed up with spellbreaker replacing it for some reason. Veng wrath is not taken atm by most top rets, you would be able to take it with DPurpose in 11.0.5, unlike it is now, so it is a buff overall. We gain more, than we lose. It is just for them to remove all pvp nerfs for both wings and DProtection, wog and FoL and we are good. + buff FV a little bit so ST spender is better, than DStorm atleast.


You do know fresh characters are a thing right?

The reading comprehension devil strikes again.

I can make the same argument about you, we’re gonna go nowhere fam.

Because of the way the recent changes have been going, they refuse to put the class in a comparable state to the dominant specs. 10 talents for horse. 10.

Retribution Paladin 11.0.5 PTR Talent Calculator (

link if you want to play with it


You know account wide feats of strengths are a thing right? That’s why it shows KSM for SL S1.

You mean you moving goalposts?

Can you? Let’s see you try. Let’s rewind here. You engaged with me being doomy and trying to pass off your opinion as a fact. You don’t know if it will be bad. It’s your opinion it will be. There’s a major difference. You’re also the one who said my takes are bad without being able to articulate or substantiate your claim besides saying “we die from white hits” then you moved goal posts to “I didn’t say we die from white hits”.

The way the changes have been going in what way exactly? I already stated that Paladins were meta or 2nd choice for 4 out of the past 8 seasons.

Oh cool thanks!

I played around with it briefly and this is probably going to be my starting off point.

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I am not a exclusive pvper, but I’m tired of people making this dumb strawman. Thats not true, it only lags behind PVE play by like 3%, Blizz did a survey. I even think what the guy you are responding to said was dumb, but what you said is dumber.


Oh my bad.
I didn’t realize they did a SURVEY.

The new tree is terrible. I hate it so much I am thinking about unsubbing. Blizz for the love of god, please stop trying to overhaul the system without fixing the core problems first. You can shuffle things around all you want, but that wont fix the problem. If prot is too weak, or if ret is too strong in aoe then focus on the spec trees. Change things based on specs, making prot better and balancing rets ST / Aoe. Just doing a global nerf to the base tree in order to reduce ret damage 3% does not balance it.

You could have made smart meaningful changes, like nerf divine storm a small amount (3%) and increase final verdict (4%) to bring our single target in line with our aoe. You could easily adjust other talents a couple of percent - like judge, jury and executioner so they arent exploited if you buffed final verdict. You can make these PvE changes only (like you do all the time) so it doesnt imbalance PvP. Tune things better. Just scraping the whole talent tree and giving us this garbage creates new problems and does nothing to solve the current lingering problems. You need to do much better, this just feels sloppy and lazy

Except it isn’t a nerf to Prot.

Wrong is wrong, and you are wrong.

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They wouldn’t have made all those change to “nerf” Ret.

The point was removing throughput from the class tree, which they did successfully.

We now have way more flexibility in choosing the things we want.

Admittedly, the new talents are all either very specific (which isn’t a bad thing) or low impact.
And some things were kept in there that don’t make sense.

But overall the tree is way better than it was, you can get all the throughout nodes and still have 4-5 point to place pretty much where ever you want.

After playing a bit with Hpal today:

Lightforged Blessing didn’t derserve the nerf. 3% or even 4% for Holy would have been good. Or even better, make it do smart healing for holy. There’s a lot of talents in the class tree that change depending on the spec, so, why not?

Holy Ritual/A Just Reward/Golden path/Inspired Guard/Judgement of Light are incredibly undertuned. Like, literally useless talents for holy.

Lightbearer healing being only from other sources makes this talent really bad as a holy paladin in everything except Raid, where is ok-ish.

Light’s Revocation is dissapointing and niche.

Eye for an eye and Stoicism are just a pvp talents or just prot for the first.

Worthy Sacrifice is really, really fun, a meme talent indeed, but really fun to use. Would rather change this to a choice node with a better version of Sacrifice of the Just with more CDR.

Empyreal Ward is mediocre. Good for tank healing, but you dont usually have many LoH to spare.

Consecrated Ground is one of the best new talents of the bunch and honestly, probably of the few good ones at all.