Can we just get rid of this broken Group Finder tool?

Honestly, as I said a while ago, I don’t really care much if they skip out Heroics. Hey, if they decided to actually add in RFD, make it only for the normal levelling dungeons for Vanilla and TBC, and leave Wrath dungeons to be manually form a group.

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Not really it’s why they specifically changed it to your first heroic completed instead of a specific heroic.

Nice, taking a post out of context and making attacks on my character while you haven’t managed to address any of my arguments.

You claimed I was antisocial so I did the same to you. Next time please try making a response to a point instead of these lame reductionist attacks on character and repeating the word troll like saying it over and over makes it true.

The only person who claim a tool in WoW makes people anti-social is you. Don’t blame me if you choose to be Antisocial in game, thank you very much.

I said it before, people are what makes people Anti Social. Not a tool inside a video game.

Removing any reason to make people socialise makes people anti-social. Enabling anti-social behaviour and incentivising it by making people totally replaceable does this too.

It’s exactly what LFD did in its 14 years of retail, why it will never be in classic and why even retail is moving away from it. Nobodys problem but yours if you see 0 value in a community and social experiences.

RDF doesn’t make you anti-social. You, yourself, have the option to chose to be social or anti social. Not using a tool. You. If you chose to be Anti-Social, then you yourself is to blame. Not RDF.

Source that retail is moving away from Random Dungeon Finder.

That is what I have been telling you. RDF doesn’t cause for you to be Anti Social, you, yourself is Anti-Social.

Well they removed RDF, so I goes the point is to do it as originally intended :relieved:

But once again with 0 incentive to do so. Thankyou for at least admitting that RDF does make you antisocial. I will now wait for you to explain why - given that people are antisocial as you say - making it even easier for people to be antisocial is somehow a solution to this problem instead of making things worse.

Retail no longer uses RDF for its most difficult 5 man content. Not even for regular mythics which are already faceroll tier. RDF is only usable for LFR and the equivalent of normal dungeons. In retail there is 0 reason to do these, there aren’t even badges that contribute gear as it is in classic, let alone pre raid BIS and in some case P1 BIS.

Until they change their minds.

Sorry, it was a typo. Type too fast without realizing. No, RDF does not make you Anti Social. I’ll put it this way, and this was also the same all the way back in Vanilla, right through to now. It was all based off the person on whether they chose to be socialable or not within any group content. If you think spamming the chat “LFM” is being social, sorry, it isn’t. It is just spam. If you think spamming the trade chat “WTS” is being social, no, it isn’t. It is just spam.

Like it or not, socialising to make a group is social. The system we have and that we have used for the last 3 years works well. As for community, I’m sorry you don’t see it as an important aspect of the game but it is. It’s a very significant part of classic and developing social experiences with people you can play with again was and is always a large part of the classic experience.

You’re a remulos player, and I can tell you for a fact that 90% of your groups will be from people you cannot play with again from yojamba and arugal and that’s in the optimistic scenario that we don’t get crossed over with Americans. And if we do, make the number 99%. If that does not change your classic experience I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe try being a bit more social?

Coming from the one claiming RDF makes people Anti-Social. Maybe you should listen to your own advise then.

RDF is coming, whether you like it or not. It is just a matter of time.

And once again no amount of cope is going to change that. This isn’t a singleplayer experience, you know where you can go for that.

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Agreed 100 percent. This tool is just a mangled version of the retail LFG tool, and neither have any place in WoTLK classic. Bring back the TBC tool or just leave us with a LFG channel.

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RDF is not a single player experience.

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And you expect Blizzard to hold there word, like how they said they want to give us the “true classic experience” and gives us an altered game to what it originally is.

Without any community aspects it may as well be.

There’s no community aspect to pugging dungeons now.

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Way to take me out of context. You know that wasn’t my point at all… RDF was in wrath, this is wrath classic, it should be here.

And no, I haven’t. To answer your pointless question.

How is “needlessly complicated method of grouping” out of context? We didn’t even have an LFG assist tool before pre-patch, other than that TBC one that didn’t work and nobody used. Now we get an improved version of the BB addon everyone was using and it’s “needlessly complicated”? Everyone who isn’t tourist played Classic by using LFG chat and forming connections, RDF was not needed before and it won’t be needed now.

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