Can we increase the character cap?

Now that we can have all of our characters on a single server, the “need” for raising the limit is greater than before.

I’m actually in the process of moving all of my alts to a single server just so I can play them more often.

This argument: “they’re having fun wrong.”

Why should it matter if people play in a way that you don’t agree with? I’m currently sitting on 36 characters, and that number might increase even more over the next couple of years, and I know of people who play a lot more than I do.

Because not everyone plays the game the same way you do, that’s why. I get bored with a single character after about a week on it, and have to cycle. Even on my main I rarely do more than raid and the occasional dailies.


another person that doesnt know what collecting is and has little to zero knowledge about how do you farm for things in the game as collector.

but sure it’s your opinion.

So then my question is: how many people have hit the cap limit, have 40-50 max level characters, and really need more?

I may not share the issue, but I can understand it if there’s a true need. I’m empathetic to the plight… if there’s really a plight.

I said why already
You just need to read further down

More character cap? Sounds great. I’ll have a full roster of Mechagnomes!

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Truly the bravest among us.

Thats not playing. That’s “playing”

Look I have 35? I have to count them lvl 120s I have 10 more lvl 110+ and I have a few more races I want to level on SL with the new leveling stuff.

Yes, I do collect mounts and yes the game forces you to have that many because RNG hates everyone equally.
Yes, more is better in this case because the more alts you have the more you can spin that RNG wheel.

For example, I haven’t gotten there yet but. I usually have 1 char per spec. that would be 36. if I did the same thing for the other faction I’m already short (72). So it’s that kind of ideal where i wanna be able to reach if I wished etc.

So no knowledge.

Got it.

Think what you like dude, I really dont care

How many bank alts do you want?

You care, clearly otherwise you wouldnt talk out of your… you know. In a subject you obviously are pretty ignorant at.

But have at thee.

Moving on.

I care about the names being horded
Not about your farming for mounts

that’s a good joke there… :rofl:

I’ve been playing for about 16 years and have maybe 25 toons across my entire account and even that feels like too many lol

I love collecting mounts too but I could never see running the same raids/dungeons etc 50 times a week. That sounds like a serious addiction problem. Virtual collections aren’t worth health and well being.

hording names is not an issue like you think it is. It’s really not a huge issue. If you can’t make a name up that’s on you for real.

Well that’s a you thing and you’re projecting here.

Unfortunate because it kinda dismiss your opinion if you have to project things to others.

I dont use random names
I use names I feel a connection to
Names that mean something to me because I use my characters as an avatar for myself.

I would never be happy playing the game with some random nonsense from a name generator