Can we increase the character cap?

I’ve never had trouble making names. If anything it removes more silly names from the game?

This is not true. It has a year of no use it’s gone by a year since wod. Your friend does’t like that guild xD

Only if they continue to play and start either trading gold for tokens to use or pay a subscription fee. Trial accounts get their unused names cycled fairly often.

In fairness, I think the issue you’re talking about should be resolved by better naming options, rather than by preventing something like this if it would otherwise be something you agree with.

(better naming options could either be shifting everything to BNET other than the visible name over your head and on party frames and such, OR it could be something like allowing 1 space and 1 apostrophe in names. Or both, but I prefer the latter, it frees up enough options for it to not be an issue, and BNET gets yucky because of numbers)

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Character names on accounts that have been inactive for the past two expansions automatically become eligible to be used by other characters. We do not assist with releasing character names manually.

So every 3 years pay $14 and keep the account?

He never said the friend hasn’t logged on.
He just hasn’t logged on that character.

Name purges are based on account activity, not specific character acitvity, AFAIK.

If they continue to pay, no the system won’t force a name change. If they stopped playing then yes you would be right. As it stands, it says quite clearly his name and last login 6 years ago.

I have many times
I actually started picking my realms by trying random ones and seeing if the name I want is taken there.

I’ve never found a realm where the name I want is taken and being used on an active character.
Most of the time they never leveled up enough to make it onto the armory

I have like 3 toons. I can’t imagine needing that many characters. Seriously.

I hope blizz uses their resources on something better than this.

I mean, if you just want to hold names, I guess so?

spaces and an apostrophe won’t help a lot of names. It wouldn’t help any of the names I would ever use. Plus it could still be taken by some level 4 rogue made in 2016.
Bnet would allow anyone to have any name they want without issues. Bnet would be the way to go

good luck with this request I’m at 45 myself…

It just is not physically possible to play 50 characters simultaneously. And nobody has given a compelling reason beyond “I just want it” so blizzard has not relented.

Multiple chars for multiple covenants is not going to get their support in any way either after everything that’s happened.

Seems you don’t know anything about collecting you need many, many alts to have more chances to pull the RNG spin.

Sucks but that’s how blizzard RNG works.

I started a topic based on this very idea

After much concern over privacy, because apparently some people name their accounts GeorgePhillipsOfBrooklynNewYork, I came to the idea of a Global name you could go by on all your characters.

It’s a lot harder to find unused names for races with naming conventions based on real life than it is for pure fantasy races like Orcs.

You tried naming a Human, Worgen, Pandaren, or even Dwarf recently? All 4 use very normal IRL naming conventions for the most part, so if you want to follow suit, you have VERY slim pickings.

When you’re following totally fictional naming conventions, it leaves a lot more room for experimentation without coming across as stupid.

(I uhh, should probably add that I didn’t name this character with intent to follow naming conventions. I don’t play it. I only post on the forums with it. It’s just the username I use for my online presence.)

I’m in agreement. Some of us have had characters forever and been playing this game since the beginning. The amount of characters we have goes up with every expansion. Especially in something like BFA where allied races and heritage armors become something people want to collect.

Then you factor in the additional customization options coming in Shadowlands. There’s a want to create characters for RP, and for race / class combinations. I don’t even think 75 is necessary but I’d be fine with something like 60. Just 10 more would be amazing.

It’s either that or I go around deleting some characters. The other problem is that people who played Legion cannot delete characters who did things like the mage tower because then they can’t unlock the appearances on other characters. A simple solution to this would be to simply make it so once you unlock the mage towers that any characters can progress the count.

In other words, I unlocked mage tower base skin on my druid. If I delete that druid, I should still be able to earn progress to unlocking the other mage tower tints on other druids. This would solve my problem immediately because I would be fine with deleting some of my 120s (of which I have 17.)


Whew. I’m struggling to keep up with 2 max level characters, let alone 30.

I understand the concern though. I love making new characters and to hit a certain artificial cap would be frustrating. Still… get to the full 50 and then we can talk?

I use baby name websites :slight_smile: And I look for different ethnicites/nationalities. I have Celtic, African, German, French, Russian, etc. Lots of names out there if you want “normal” names.

Sorry but I’m gonna be that person and say if you have 2 only this isnt a concern to you to talk anything about… :thinking:

being triggered for a name tho? >_>