Can we increase the character cap?

Can we get this before Shadowlands blizz? I’d like to feel a bit more safe with (75) than 50. I’m reaching 35 soonish. Especially with the covenant thing. I like to have multiple specs in different covenants for fun so;/


Good luck Kalgromash!

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You are hot and smart and I agree 100%.

I’m really excited about making more characters with all the new options! Increasing the limit would be fantastic - it makes me sad to delete the characters I once loved.


I dont think there are very many players out there who realistically even need 50 characters.
I dont see a need to up the limit.


Uhhh speak for yourself.

To the op. Cool down on undeleting is going to be shorter so the delete shuffle is always an option.


Wait, you can’t just have as much unlimited fun as you want to!

I could use a couple more Pandarens…


don’t delete’em! Join #teamMultiboxxa

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I don’t have the technological know-how to do it, unfortunately. I was thinking about it, though.

i don’t see what the problem is. as a druid, this is great. i level four characters per covenant per spec. that’s SIXTEEN TIMES the value for my sub for literally nothing! this looks GREAT on the engagement metrics, so it must be fun.

i’m kidding btw i’m not actually going to do that please don’t call me a 1%er or whatever it’s just a joke

You dont have to “multibox” multibox. Just get another account and load it up with new characters. And you can load them in at the same time. Playing 2 characters is not to difficult.


And that’s fine! You wouldn’t have to use the extra slots.

I’m in kind of a weird spot with this.

First and foremost, I think playing the existing 50 characters with ANY kind of frequency is impossible unless the only thing you’re doing is cycling through them to start a Garrison mission once a day with the free currency you get from the cache at the Garrison.

And because of that, my initial response is “Why on earth would you need more? Just delete some of your assuredly unplayed alts to make room.

Basically, I feel that people hitting up against that limit aren’t really trying to build an alt stable, they just enjoy the journey of leveling another character. In which case, it does very little if any harm to delete older toons to make room for doing it again, since its really the journey they’re after.

But at the same time, it seems like a pretty trivial matter for Blizzard to bump up the limit. They’ve already done it (multiple times?) for the server-specific character limit, so surely they could do it for the account limit without much hassle, right?

If that’s truly the case and it doesn’t turn into a spaghetti code nightmare (which is always possible with projects lasting this long) or cause server instability because of the extra data being stored or something stupid like that, then as much as I don’t understand the need for it, it’s hard to argue against it.

And that’s where I’ll leave it.

I’d love for them to Increase the character count.


MiRai makes guide videos, they are ISBoxer specific but can give you the basic information as well.

Also what Bricklethumb said is true as well, I just had a second account at first and after I got done doing 50 emissaries one day I’d just hop over to the next account and do 9 more lol

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I say no. If they increase the cap, it will make finding names that much harder, as people sit on unused abandonded alts that take up names.

I literally have somebody in my alt guild that hasn’t logged on that character for SIX YEARS, yet he gets to keep the name.

No expansion of slots.

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I know but I don’t want others to have them either.
I dont think its realistic that anyone has 50 characters they play regularly.

I fully believe people have lots of abandoned alts hording all the names though

Did you know, you can make up to 7 accounts for free and consume all the names you want?

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:rofl: I don’t think I’ve seen someone say it so plainly on the forums before :rofl:


I agree, and I’d hug Blizzard for doing it.