Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Calling people out by name is also supposed to be against the rules, to my knowledge, yet OP name dropped two MVPs and insulted them, calling them disrespectful simply because they won’t side with her.

Actually, from what I’ve seen, OP has broken several rules without getting into trouble.

Yet people keep saying “just report and the mods will handle it” as if they aren’t overworked and underpaid.


No, you just reject anything that isn’t a 100% match because it’s convenient and you don’t have to actually try to do anything. That’s a method often used by trolls.

I’d love to actually hear points about how more anonymity leads to less trolls and toxic behavior. Do you have anything that points to that?


i would like to keep the conversation civil please

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So how long til OP gets this shut down again with their refusal to acknowledge anyone disagreeing with them without being hostile towards them?

Plus the whole saying the same statement again and again so they add nothing to the discussion


yes i have addressed this in this thread already, feel free to re-read through the posts and then you can reply to those and i will address your replies.

thank you very much, have a lovely day.

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this. :point_up_2:

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Not only that, you can’t fix stupid.


can we please keep the conversation civil?

Well at least you finally acknowledge your hypocrisy with your statements


This x10,000.

This spam is worse than what my 20-year old e-mail account gets in their junk folder.

Anyways, I said my points, the OP and their puppets conveniently ignore them to instead engage in a back-and-forth fight with others. Now, I’ma go run some dungeons because I rather drag a dead 0 io 300 ilvl Ragnaros player through a +10 than suffer another moment of this garbage.


disagreeing and being offensive is two different things. Out of a lot of replies,only few were polite and disagreed, rest were pretty much offensively worded language.

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Really? I didn’t see anything. I did a quick ctrl+f search and a vast majority of what I saw was just refuting evidence or statements about other things.

I didn’t see any points about having more anonymity reduces the number of toxic or abusive players.

That doesn’t mean that they aren’t there. Of course since you have stated them before, I’m sure just a key word or two would make it easy to search and find them.


And there would be more trolling.

You know this. OP knows this. And this is the main reason OP wants this.

OP is trolling. Trolls love privacy because it allows trolling to be easier.

Can you show a single message board with pure anon posting that did not devolve into constant trolling?


but it at least helps for those who seek more privacy and had/having unpleasant experiences with armory/posts stalking.

can you show me an example of a video game forum that requires a paid monthly subscription that devolved into trolling because of anonymous posting?

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And you continue to ignore every message that points issues with your wishes, while being rude yourself


Offensive like calling people liars? Or offensive like saying that someone who tells someone to off theirself is just an opinion and that I’m rude for ignorning them?

Practice what you preach. If you want people to be civil and kind to you, you have to do the same. You’re only kind to people who agree with your terrible takes.


But you already stop that with current systems.

Right after you show me ONE time anonymous posting ever worked.


You guys are actively engaging with very obvious trolls.


Sure, and it leads to the ability for more people to be toxic and abusive with less of a chance for repercussions. People already break the rules of the forums all the time. They also break the rules in game. This just gives them an excuse to get away with it even more.