Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

No, I disagree with you.

Also, I give a :-1: for the spam.

Mods, please give the thread the low orbit ion cannon. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.


For the sake of privacy and clarity, itā€™s Blizzardā€™s thread. Thank you for playing!


In case youā€™re unaware, this is a much larger issue that affects more than just forums.


Thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œfakeā€ flag, hon, as long as Iā€™m only flagging with one character. Thereā€™s just a request for a moderator to look at a post, and thatā€™s straight from the Blues.

ā€œI think this post violated the rules of the forums, could you take a look?ā€ is all that a flag indicates.


Why does this make me imagine that Blizzard now has a cannon somewhere in space that just has Ionā€™s face on it shooting mouth lasers?


but history has shown that for instance 3 of my topics were locked because those who are for battle tags and against more privacy kept trashing,deailing, posting nonsense gifs, talking offtopic, which led into topics being locked.

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What was ā€œhostileā€ about their response? They informed the OP that reposted deleted topics is a ā€œno, noā€ and then gave their opinion that their suggestion was pretty bad. What are they not allowed to state their opinions now because they have green text?!


but i am not interested in discussing what happens outside of video game forums; this is a suggestion to improve the wow forums, not society as a whole. thus, i need not concern myself with the circumstances outside the scope of the WoW forums.

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you donā€™t get to play innocent bystander with me. you reap what you sow.

battle tags on the forums to curtail sockpuppeting and trolling please, blizzard!


Nope, you are wrong here.

The initial post even invited conversation and discussion. Our thoughts were requested. We are giving them.


but there is a moderator message in this OP that expressly states that this thread was re-opened (and thus is not against any CoC).

I canā€™t believe some people think thereā€™s even a remote chance Blizzard will EVER allow anonymous posting. If they do anything it will be something like BTags.


You do know that tests are usually done before they are applied, yes?

Letā€™s use an analogy.
The WoW forums is a box of rats.
Other forums are different boxes of rats.
Other forums introduce neurotoxin and the rats die.
You can look at the other boxes and think, ā€œMaybe I shouldnā€™t introduce the neurotoxin because of the effect it had on the rats in other boxes.ā€
Or, you can say ā€œLetā€™s introduce the same neurotoxin to the WoW box of rats, surely it wonā€™t have the same effect because they are in a different box.ā€

You can probably see how silly that seems.


there is other active topic for that, please go there. here we trying to talk about more privacy.

Ah, so itā€™s better to ignore examples of what happens with anonymity and toxicity just because itā€™s not a 100% perfect match to the WoW forums. That sounds like odd logic considering how many troll posts there already are on the forums, but you do you.

But there are other forums that require paid game subscriptions, although you did somewhat claim otherwise. From what I know, none of them allow anonymous posting, but I could be wrong about that.


Sorry thatā€™s not how a discussion forum works. This isnā€™t an echo chamber.

I vehemently disagree with your stance, and Iā€™m just as able to make my stance known here as you are.


sorry that you want to bring in irrelevant examples to this topic but i am politely informing you that those examples do not have any bearing on the topic of anonymous posting for the WoW forums.

thank you, though.

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Oh yea! I wear black socks and that proves we need anon posting. Duh!


well blizzard did anonymous streamer mode in oveerwatch2. We can expect that can be expanded in other games and forums too. :stuck_out_tongue:

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well if no other paid video game forums allow anonymous posting, then we have no examples to show that anonymous posting on the wow forums would result in a negative effect.

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