Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

You can’t teach someone who refuses to learn.


i dont refuse to learn, i do refuse to agree with you, though and there is a very distinct difference between those two circumstances.

no. Battle tag is the worst idea in a mmorpg forums.

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I would like to point out that there are other games with forums that do require active subscriptions, so actually are comparisons.

Also I’d like to point out that trying reject comparisons because they aren’t actually the same does nothing to refute the fact that there are plenty of examples when anonymity increases trolling and abuse, even when there is a cost to enter.


Why all the other Blizzard forums use them?


Not entirely true. There is a part of the forums that you can post in without having a paid subscription.

but you people keep talking about 4chan - 4chan is not a video game forum and it does not require a monthly subscription fee, so you can’t compare 4chan to the wow forums.

So you basically want it your way, ala Burger King, and no compromise? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. There has to be some limitations to what you’re asking for. One poster per account (cannot be changed) - choose wisely, or the forums could default to the toon with the highest played time. By you refusing to budge on your stance leads me to believe you are really just trolling at this point.


no, battle tags are a fantastic idea. even if they only show the first part of it.

trolls no longer able to hide behind anonymity and trash up the forum with their crap? bring. it. on.

what are YOU so afraid of?


that’s not how this works - we don’t have to acquiesce to any of your requests in our forum thread.

we are free to say we don’t approve of your requests and say that we don’t agree with them, which we don’t.

The point I was making was that when they made a call out for a specific Customer Support agent, part of what he said was this:
He told you not to respond when people called you a troll, instead, you continue to respond by saying, “Nuh uh, don’t call me a troll.”
Lesson learned? Zero.

He suggested that part of the OP’s problem was:
“I should clarify though, the main issue with many of your replies would be someone would say something in the thread, often disagreeing or otherwise brining up a counter point and your reply was almost always some variation of: " I think X would be a good thing, what are your thoughts on a system to allow full anonymous posting”.
This thread reopened, and did anything of the OP’s methods change? No. Zero learning.


that’s why in a mmorpg forums they are not using it.

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Actually no, I mentioned 4chan twice I think? It seems like you’re trying to imply that my argument is based primarily around that. You’re ignoring the other examples of anonymity and toxicity. Why you’re ignoring those examples, I don’t know, but you are.

Besides, some of the points you have made are objectively false. I’d just like to point that out.


Okay, then you get the same level of “privacy” you have now. Case closed.

did you name any video game forums that require a monthly subscription in any of those examples?

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thanks for your opinion but this thread is not to convince you, this thread is for the benefit of blizzard.

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It’s not your forum thread though.


And I must say, you are doing a tremendous job for showcasing your position to Blizzard. How about a standing ovation…


…You have to convince Blizzard. If you can’t convince players, you will never convince them.


i support this suggestion and i am posting in it to have a civil discussion regarding it, so yes, it is partially my thread.