Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

i would appreciate if we did not call people trolls here, i would like to keep the conversation civil please.

What privacy do you/we have now and what type or level of privacy are you/we striving for?


Who said they have to be nice. They are players like you and are allowed to have an opinion. They donā€™t have to follow Blizzardā€™s party line.

Completely irrelevant.


option to set forum profile private, yet you can still search for user posts in search function and acces their armory from external WoW site.

Alright, there are many, many, many examples of toxic websites and game communities in the last 25 years. There are too many to cover. You could perhaps do some research and look into them and get a better understand of what they are and what lead to what they became.

The type of game isnā€™t really relevant, or at least itā€™s less relevant than you seem to think. Some game do attract more gamers of a specific type than others, like League of Legends. However, there are still many toxic people and trolls in WoW as it is. These forums are filled with bait and flame posts.

If you give people anonymity, it would increase. There are many forums and game communities over the decades that have proven this to be true.


Aww, how sweet. No, I was referring to people pretending to be someone from a guild or a person from the actual game. Or does that not concern you?


Will it be one user/forum handle per active/paid account?

Ok, you can anonymously post with a fully hidden armory, but you can only post on one character. Deal?


This guy gets it.

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No, youā€™re intentionally misreading points. Good luck to you in your quest, but given the success of your other posts on the same topic, I do not expect it to happen.


Hm. Then how would I post on one of my 50 silly meme-named characters? I would prefer we keep with the normal method but just add in account-wide ignores.

the funny part is, the person is already anonymously posting.

a wow avatar is not in any way personally identifiying information.
nor is a btag.


Not perfectly applied ones. For example, someone could tell someone else that being told to unalive themselves was a difference of opinion that it would be unfair to ignore, and that post could remain up. They could tell that person that they were lying about the life-threatening abuse that they received and still go on posting unimpeded with no action against their account.

Reposting a previously closed thread is supposed to be against the rules, yet sometimes the rules get bent for squeaky wheels and unnecessary posts get restored.

Iā€™d say, of all the posts that I report for inappropriate content, for trolling, for spam, maybe 20% get removed, and of those most of the posters continue to post after the removal indicating that there was no penalty against them. And I donā€™t report frivolously, I only report when thereā€™s been a clear breech of the siteā€™s rules.

Pretty much the only thing that can reliably get a post removed is bad language, because itā€™s an easy call. Anything that involves making a call on a pattern of behavior across multiple posts and subjects is pretty much hopeless, and has been for a long time.


it is mmorpg forums, people play more then 1 character.

fine. you can post on multiple characters, but your btag shows on them all.

win win. you get to rep your toons, and you donā€™t get to sockpuppet all over the forum.


but people cannot post on the wow forums unless they purchase an active subscription, so it really cant be compared to other forums, honestly.

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Beep boop.

OP should listen to Vrakthis.

This thread being reopened shows they have not learned a single thing, even when presented with valid arguments.


but honestly, we really arenā€™t required to believe everything we read on the forums, though.

and you do not get to decide if they violated or breached CoC. You just fake flagged, becasue you THINK that they violated something, but it does not mean they actually did.

So, you should said according to ME, they are violating rules, but according moderators , they are not, so their posts are not being deleted.

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