Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

Here’s a great suggestion for the OP and those who agree with this idea:

Since this idea is the best thing since Betty White invented sliced bread, they should start their own WoW themed forum!

Hear me out! Their forum would be completely anonymous with no sub required, they could make up their own rules and enforce them through their own moderation!

It would be so ridiculously popular, people would probably just stop using the official forums altogether.

It would be sunshine :sunny: and lollipops :lollipop: as nobody would troll, fight, post stupid things, suggest other posters harm themselves…because it would be completely anonymous.

That’s what the OP should do! It’ll be amazing.

Tomorrow is Meow the 4th btw. Meow the force be with you. I wish you all a purrfect day tomorrow.


Isn’t Star Wars dead these days as a franchise?

I’ve known people from GTA who only play the game to mess with others. They have no problems getting banned because they just make a new account and continue to harass others.

There are people who literally exist JUST to troll and harass others. It’s their hobby, their favorite thing.

Anonymous posting only bolsters that. It brings out the worst in people because they are less likely to be held accountable.

I remember this one chick who used… I think it was 4chan, I can’t remember. She pretended to be someone else and harassed HERSELF for attention and sympathy. And she got away with it for a long time because she was anonymous and no one knew it was her.


Maybe for you, some of us still love Star Wars no matter what. May the 4th be with you.


Also, because of the anonymity, some really heinous and illegal stuff would be posted, and they would get away with it.


What does a mmorpg game have in common with first person shooter games? like seriously?

Did you know that we have CoC and forum rules? There are consequences for breaching rules.

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Hey, did you know stealing is illegal? People still do it, though. Many don’t get caught.

Same concept.


Oh wow, I didn’t realize that the internet completely changed human behavior to the point that we were entirely different creatures, and not still using our leftover primeval instincts to stuff our faces full of food to fatten up for lean times where the foraging was slim and the caves were cold, or baring our teeth and screeching at unfamiliar faces because they look visibly different than ours.

  • Citation needed

?? :grinning:

can we talk about game forum?

Except that when you break the rules here players can report you and you’ll no doubt be actioned soon enough. If you aren’t actioned then the mods don’t agree with the reports. Just because you think someone broke a rule doesn’t mean they did.

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If you can’t understand the fact that we are comparing the dynamics of gaming communities and not the game mechanics themselves, I don’t know how to help you. You should either race change to a troll or I don’t know if there’s a possible way for you to ever get it.

Yes, I did know that. I also know that there are rules in the actual game as well. That doesn’t stop people from breaking the rules frequently, or were you not aware that people do things against the rules. They aren’t always punished either, many times there are just warnings.


just because something bad happened one time doesn’t mean it will always happen.

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the notion that you need some kind of privacy to post here is insane.

you already have privacy. no one knows who I am. they know this level 60 something mage. or maybe they know my druid since I’ve linked him in the past.

that’s not me. that’s not personal information. that’s not anything that needs to be protected.

oh someone might follow you from post to post? boo freaking hoo. act like an adult and put them on ignore. someone might send you a nasty in-game mail? again. so the heck what? just report, ignore, and move on.

you all let people live in your heads way, way too much.

btags on the forums would be a fantastic thing, and it would cut down drastically on the stupid sockpuppeting. oh no, you can’t hide on an alt after trolling all day on another one. GOOD.


Again, there are a ton of well known examples unless you live under a rock.


I live under a rock and even I know better.


i would appreciate if we kept the conversation civil.

i don’t believe those would apply here because the WoW forums are based on a MMORPG community.

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There wasn’t “just one time”, it still goes on still to this day. 4can has been around since 2003


Because the topic you are posting about is “forums”. What makes you believe what what happens in the forums of other games or even other types of games can’t happen here?


In short, we’re at 600+ posts and the only argument for the OP has been: Nuh uh, trust me I know people will only be nice to eachother. Don’t look at every single psychological study that has been done on the topic, I only saw the first line of each one that outlines the few positive parts and took them out of context to apply it as a blanket statement with no downsides whatsoever.

Those that are blind to history are doomed to repeat it. It’s basic common sense. Also the other saying that insanity is repeating the same thing while expecting different results. Man. We are being civil, you are plugging your ears and going “Nuh uh nuh uh nuh uh trust me bro.”


Help me with what?

That’s not really nice comming from “community council”.

You trying to bring not a relevant forums into a mmorpg forums and demonize ideas which asks a bit more privacy then we have now.