Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

ok, i did actually googled myself. lol.

it is funny, because you linking fully anonymous forums where you do not need an account, paid subscription to post.

How it is even relevant to this forum? Two completely different sites.

I think everyone should be comfortable posting their viewpoints on something like forum changes.

Telling them not to seems suppressive.

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Simple it brings out the worst in people when there is no accountability or consequences.


It is free. That doesn’t change the fact that there are many examples where anonymity allows for more trolling and abuse, not less.

However if you only consider forms of communication that require payment, there are plenty of examples when it comes to toxicity and video games in general. When people are less concerned about repercussions for bad behavior, those people tend to act out more.

You seem to be refusing to acknowledge that, and I’m unsure why.


And where did you get this idea from?

Wait til you are targeted, and have no recuse to do anything about. Kind of hard to fend off attacks if you don’t know who is doing it. If you are being targeted, it doesn’t just end on the forums.

Life… it’s just human nature. :person_facepalming:


I understand it very well, what i see people trying to link this suggestion to other forums that has literally nothing in common with our forums.

No recuse? I think you mean recourse but that doesn’t really work here either.

You can report anyone that “targets” you.

Wrong. Maybe that’s your experience, but it certainly isn’t mine.

All the stuff you want to hide doesn’t affect anything though. These people don’t know you from Eve. Just go out and live your (WoW) life, you’ll never meet these people irl or in the game (chances are low), and even if you did they wouldn’t remember you. People really don’t care. They can act like trolls today but two weeks from now ask them about a troll post and they won’t have a clue what they said / who said what.

It’s best to just ignore them, don’t feed them, and have fun playing WoW in spite of them. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Edit: and I’m posting on this character because for some reason none of my other toons are showing up. It’s weird.


Thousands of years of human philosophy and psychology say you’re wrong.

Sorry, it’s the way it is.


Suppressive? I thought it was intimidation.

People are free to share their opinion, whether you agree or not.


Overall behavior is going to be the same in any public forum.

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May I direct your attention back up here?


Intention seems in flux at the moment in terms of meaning behind statements.

Not really, if you actually read my post, do you think it will stop on the forums or ingame?

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  1. The internet has not been around for thousands of years lol.
  2. There are just as many articles that say you’re wrong. That’s the thing about “human philosophy”, humans are complex and can’t be generalized based of pseudo science.

Try again.

Where? Please show me one single article that shows anonymous posting on forums is better and less toxic.

Don’t worry, I’ll wait.


Paying a fee does not mean people won’t be toxic. Have you not heard of Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and many other games with incredibly toxic communities? I’m not even including some of the largest offenders like League of Legends because you can go the F2P route on that if you want.

You just keep refusing to acknowledge that there is a large uptick in abuse and trolling when people don’t have to worry about consequences. It doesn’t matter if it’s free or paid, it happens.

Do you think the WoW forums are somehow going to be immune to that? If so, why? There are plenty of examples of games where people have to purchase and then are toxic even under the threat of punishments and bans.


Plato has been. And Plato’s Ring of Gyges suggested that when someone had the power of invisibility (applied as the ‘full anonymity’ in this case), their nature would draw them towards unjust actions.

Anonymity exists beyond the internet as a concept and every bit of evidence still points towards how it plays a role towards awful behavior, such as in road rage and cyber bullying. It isn’t the only factor but it plays a part in it enough that going for more than what you already have has no positive effects.

Edit: In addition, you already have privacy. You can make a throwaway character to be your posting character as a form of anonymity, yet it’s just another alias that people can identify to either ignore or support as they normally would, reputation and credibility are important to honest discussion. What the OP has been asking for is to turn WoW forums into another Reddit subforum that already exists on Reddit without being on Reddit.

I have yet to see a case where full anonymity has positive effects in a discussion (beyond personal privacy which we already have by posting on these video game character aliases), meanwhile every case on the negative effects of full anonymity seem to align to support the same conclusion.