Can we have more privacy in forums to feel more safe?

We have privacy. What the OP wants is a free pass in a way that people won’t even be able to attach their awful takes to a fake alias.

200 posts later, not a single logical argument against the evidence against this kind of idea that goes back thousands of years. Man, it’s almost like I already know the OP doesn’t want a discussion.


as much as you would like to argue otherwise, neither me nor nelfas is obligated to answer everything you ask of us.

i will answer what i feel comfortable answering.

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Yea I agree that’s not good. Bring back down votes to show we disagree and leave flags to reporting post against the CoC.

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you are not alone, people said said exactly same thing in my previous topics. But hey they were flamed and flagged :man_facepalming:


Okay. If you are not comfortable answering anything about the topic of discussion that does not align with your own viewpoints, you should not discuss the topic at all.


The title of this, LOL. You’re safe. This is the oddest thing…

Who cares what people think of you. You know you, they don’t know you. Step away from the computer and take a walk and think about something you enjoy (I really mean this, it helps).

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Where has anyone said this? I imagine you’ll still be able to report anyone that is anonymously posting.

Again, it’s not about “Protecting” themselves, like I said, they want to cover their backsides.

Another downside is, if I come across someone on the forum I’d rather not associate with, I’d rather not have to deal with them in game. Not everyone hides behind an alt.

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i feel better as i read your FIRST post on this character. It’s like a a beacon of light.

I do not really care. But i always feel the urge to defend those who can not defend themselves.

If people wants more privacy it should be presented as options to do so.

Because 4chan is a perfect example of what the WoW forums could become if they make the changes that you want.

You seem to think that the numerous examples of what happens with anonymity on the internet would never apply to WoW, and I’m not sure why.

We should learn from those lessons, not bury our head in the sand and pretend that they don’t exist just because we don’t like it.


Privacy yes being completely anonymous no.

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More closer to /b/

You can report those on /b/, due to the nature of the board, nothing will happen,


I do not know what is 4chan. So may i ask, that forum has paid subscription in order to be able to post ? or it is a free forum?

I truly believe they only say it doesn’t count is because they don’t have a valid argument against it. So, instead of defending their point, they just default to “that’s not the wow forums, it doesn’t matter” which just proves that they don’t actually care about the topic.


I already addressed this.

…so we’re intimidating users into silence?

Subscription or free is irrelevant… anonymity always makes things worse.


That is one heck of a giant leap, my god :dracthyr_lulmao:

Telling someone that you don’t think they should be posting is NOT intimidation, it’s an opinion.


What’s wrong with being anonymous?